solicitor advocate

solicitor advocate
a solicitor in England having rights of audience before the higher courts. The extension was authorised by the Courts and Criminal Evidence Act 1990. A solicitor in Scotland having the right of audience before any of the higher courts previously the exclusive domain of the advocate. The new role was made possible by the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990. Solicitors follow a course of study and attendance laid down by the Law Society or the Law Society of Scotland under rules for rights of audience. They do not wear wigs, and the working relationship with the Bar and the Faculty of Advocates is ongoing. The new arrangements allow clients to obtain a full legal service at lower cost – paying for one lawyer instead of two or three. It allows a client to be sure that the lawyer he has instructed will see his case through. However, if the solicitor advocate is not isolated in his office, the responsibilities of running a business, carrying out the investigative phase and presenting the case with due detachment could prove to be most difficult.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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