
suf·fi·cien·cy n: the quality or state of being sufficient
the sufficiency of the evidence to convict

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun abundance, accumulation, adequacy, adequate resources, affluence, ample stock, ampleness, amplitude, cache, capacity, competence, competency, copiousness, cornucopia, enough, fill, full measure, fullness, fund, glut, hoard, large amount, plenitude, plenty, plethora, profuseness, profusion, quod satis est, redundance, repletion, reservoir, satiety, satisfactoriness, saturation, shower, store, sufficientness, superabundance, supply, surfeit, treasure, wealth, wherewithal associated concepts: legal sufficiency, sufficiency of the evidence II index admissibility, competence (ability), minimum, quorum, satisfaction (fulfilment), store (depository)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

the question in the law of evidence as to whether a party has produced enough evidence that supports his case. In criminal cases in England and in Scotland, a failure to produce a sufficiency can result in a case being dismissed on a plea of no case to answer. See corroboration.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • Sufficiency — Suf*fi cien*cy, n. [L. sufficientia: cf. F. suffisance. See {Suffice}.] 1. The quality or state of being sufficient, or adequate to the end proposed; adequacy. [1913 Webster] His sufficiency is such that he bestows and possesses, his plenty being …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sufficiency — may refer to: * Logical sufficiency; see necessary and sufficient conditions * sufficiency (statistics), sufficiency in statistical inference;See also * Self sufficiency * Eco sufficiency …   Wikipedia

  • sufficiency — late 15c., from L. sufficientia, from sufficiens (see SUFFICIENT (Cf. sufficient)) + CY (Cf. cy). Sufficience is from late 14c …   Etymology dictionary

  • sufficiency — ► NOUN (pl. sufficiencies) 1) the condition or quality of being sufficient. 2) an adequate amount, especially of something essential …   English terms dictionary

  • sufficiency — [sə fish′ən sē] n. 1. sufficient means, ability, or resources; specif., a) an adequate amount or quantity (of what is needed) b) enough wealth or income 2. the state or quality of being sufficient or adequate; adequacy …   English World dictionary

  • Sufficiency — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Sufficiency >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 sufficiency sufficiency adequacy enough withal quantum sufficit satisfaction competence Sgm: N 1 no less no less GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 mediocrity medio …   English dictionary for students

  • sufficiency — [[t]səfɪ̱ʃ(ə)nsi[/t]] N UNCOUNT: also a N, oft N of n Sufficiency of something is enough of that thing to achieve a purpose or to fulfil a need. [FORMAL] → See also self sufficiency When foods from different plant sources are eaten together,… …   English dictionary

  • sufficiency — suf|fi|cien|cy [səˈfıʃənsi] n formal 1.) [U] the state of being or having enough ▪ The war has affected the country s economic sufficiency. 2.) a sufficiency of sth a supply that is enough ▪ a sufficiency of raw materials …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sufficiency — noun formal 1 (U) the state of being or having enough 2 a sufficiency of a supply that is enough: Eating fruit should ensure a sufficiency of Vitamin C …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • sufficiency — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Adequacy Nouns 1. sufficiency, adequacy, enough, satisfaction, competence, basta; mediocrity; fill, fullness, completeness; plenitude, plenty; critical mass. 2. abundance, copiousness; amplitude,… …   English dictionary for students

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