Torrens system

Torrens system
Tor·rens system /'tōr-ənz-/ n [after Sir Robert Torrens (1814–1884), British pioneer in Australia]: a title registration system used esp. in Massachusetts, Hawaii, Illinois, and Minnesota
◇ When a certificate of title is first applied for in the Torrens system, the title is searched or examined, a court hearing is held (as in a land court), and a decree confirming title and ordering registration (as with the registrar of deeds) is issued. A certificate of title is then given to the owner, after which the property may be conveyed by executing deeds, delivering the certificate of title to be cancelled, and issuing a new certificate to the new owner. The title registered in a Torrens system is usu. guaranteed and marketable, making title insurance unnecessary and greatly reducing the time spent researching the state of the title during subsequent conveyances.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

Torrens system
a system of land registration (registration of title to land) adopted in Australia by Sir Robert Torrens, the prime minister in 1858, and modelled on the Shipping Acts. Canada began operating a similar system in 1860 and England in 1875 with the Land Transfer Act. Scotland began a gradual change over to a land registration system by the Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • Torrens system — Tor rens sys tem A system of registration of titles to land (as distinct from registration of deeds) introduced into South Australia by the Real Property (or Torrens) Act (act 15 of 1857 58), drafted by Sir Robert Torrens (1814 84). Its essential …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Torrens System — A system for the registration of titles to land, whereby an official certificate always shows the state of the title and the person in whom it is vested, the name deriving from Sir Robert Torrens who drew the first Registration Act, such having… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Torrens system — (in Australia, England, Canada, certain states of the U.S., etc.) a system of registration of land titles in which the titles are settled consequent to establishment and validation by a legal proceeding, designed chiefly to make title insurance… …   Universalium

  • torrens system — ˈtȯ]rənz , ˈtä] noun Usage: usually capitalized T Etymology: after Sir Robert Torrens died 1884, British pioneer in Australia : a system of land title registration first introduced in Australia and widely used in England, Canada, the U.S., and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Torrens title — is a system of land title where a register of land holdings maintained by the state guarantees an indefeasible title to those included in the register. The system was formulated to combat the problems of uncertainty, complexity and cost… …   Wikipedia

  • Torrens title — Torrens system Tor rens sys tem A system of registration of titles to land (as distinct from registration of deeds) introduced into South Australia by the Real Property (or Torrens) Act (act 15 of 1857 58), drafted by Sir Robert Torrens (1814 84) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Torrens Acts — Statutes adopting the Torrens System of registration of land titles. 45 Am J1st Reg L T § 2 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Torrens — may refer to any of several people:* Michael Torrens, Neurosurgeon and President of the international Leksell Gamma Knife Society ( * Cristina Torrens Valero, professional female tennis player from Spain * Jonathan… …   Wikipedia

  • Torrens title system — A system for recording land titles under which a court may direct the issuance of a certificate of title upon application by the landowner. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. torrens title system …   Law dictionary

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