- acquire
ac·quire /ə-'kwīr/ vt ac·quired, ac·quir·ing: to come into possession, ownership, or control of: obtain as one's ownthe target's directors don't want the company to be acquired — R. C. Clarkthe court acquired jurisdictionac·quir·er also ac·qui·ror /ə-'kwīr-ər/ n
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- acquire
(receive) verb
accept, achieve, adipisci, adopt, be given, come into possession of, derive, gain, glean, obtain, reap, take in, win
(secure) verb
adquirere, annex, appropriate, assume, assume ownership, attain, exact, extort, extract, force from, gain, get, make one's own, obtain by any means, procure, purchase, realize, steal, take, take possession, wrest from
associated concepts: acquire a business, acquire by fraud, acquire by gift, acquire by inheritance, acquire by will, acquire for resale, acquire ownership
foreign phrases:
- Incorporalia bello non adquiruntur. — Things incorporeal are not acquired in warIII index accept (take), accrue (arise), accrue (increase), aggregate, appropriate, attain, collect (gather), collect (recover money), condemn (seize), derive (receive), gain, garner, hoard, impress (procure by force), incur, inherit, obtain, occupy (take possession), possess, procure, profit, purchase, realize (obtain as a profit), reap, recover, store, succeed (attain)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- acquire
v.To gain or obtain; to become the owner of something.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.