
dis·in·her·it /ˌdis-ən-'her-ət/ vt: to prevent deliberately from inheriting something (as by making a will) see also elective share
dis·in·her·i·tance /-'her-ə-təns/ n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I verb abandon, abrogate, annul, cast out, cut off, cut off from inheritance, cut out of one's will, deprive, deprive of hereditary succession, disaffirm, discard, disclaim, disendow, disentitle, disherit, disown, dispossess of hereditary right, divest, exclude from inheritance, exheredare, forfeit, forsake, nullify, oust, quash, recall, recant, renounce, replace, repudiate, rescind, retract, revoke, supersede, take away from, turn out, withdraw, withhold associated concepts: disinherit a husband, disinherit a wife, disinherit an adopted child, disinherit pretermitted children II index adeem, confiscate, deprive, disown (refuse to acknowledge), reject

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To take steps such as changing a will to prevent inheritance by someone who otherwise would inherit.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

To deliberately prevent someone from inheriting something. This is usually done by a provision in a will stating that someone who would ordinarily inherit property — a close family member, for example — should not receive it. In most states, you cannot completely disinherit your spouse; a surviving spouse has the right to claim a portion (usually one-third to one-half) of the deceased spouse's estate. With a few exceptions, however, you can expressly disinherit children.
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Estates, Executors & Probate Court
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Wills

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

To cut off from an inheritance. To deprive someone, who would otherwise be an heir to property or another right, of his or her right to inherit.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

To cut off from an inheritance. To deprive someone, who would otherwise be an heir to property or another right, of his or her right to inherit.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   to intentionally take actions to guarantee that a person who would normally inherit upon a party's death (wife, child or closest relative) would get nothing. Usually this is done by a provision in a will or codicil (amendment) to a will which states that a specific person is not to take anything ("my son, Robert Hands, shall receive nothing," "no descendant of my hated brother shall take anything on account of my death."). It is not enough to merely ignore or not mention a child in a will since he/she may become a "pretermitted heir" (a child apparently forgotten). A spouse can be disinherited only to the extent that the state law allows. A writer of a will can also disinherit anyone who challenges the validity of the will in what is called an "in terrorem" clause, which might say "I leave anyone who challenges this will or any part of it one dollar."

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Disinherit — Dis in*her it, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disinherited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disinheriting}.] [Cf. {Disherit}, {Disheir}.] 1. To cut off from an inheritance or from hereditary succession; to prevent, as an heir, from coming into possession of any property …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disinherit — mid 15c., from DIS (Cf. dis ) not + INHERIT (Cf. inherit). Related: Disinherited; disinheriting. Replaced earlier desherit (c.1300), from O.Fr. desheriter …   Etymology dictionary

  • disinherit — [v] cut off in will of bequeathal bereave, cut off without a cent*, deprive, disaffiliate, disown, dispossess, divest, evict, exclude, exheridate, neglect, oust, repudiate, rob; concepts 25,317 Ant. bequeath, give …   New thesaurus

  • disinherit — ► VERB (disinherited, disinheriting) ▪ dispossess of or bar from an inheritance. DERIVATIVES disinheritance noun …   English terms dictionary

  • disinherit — [dis΄in her′it] vt. [altered (after INHERIT) < earlier disherit] 1. to deprive (esp. an heir) of an inheritance or the right to inherit 2. to deprive of any right or established privilege disinheritance n …   English World dictionary

  • disinherit — [[t]dɪ̱sɪnhe̱rɪt[/t]] disinherits, disinheriting, disinherited VERB If you disinherit someone such as your son or daughter, you arrange that they will not become the owner of your money and property after your death, usually because they have… …   English dictionary

  • disinherit — UK [ˌdɪsɪnˈherɪt] / US verb [transitive, often passive] Word forms disinherit : present tense I/you/we/they disinherit he/she/it disinherits present participle disinheriting past tense disinherited past participle disinherited to make legal… …   English dictionary

  • disinherit — transitive verb Etymology: Middle English Date: 15th century 1. to prevent deliberately from inheriting something (as by making a will) 2. to deprive of natural or human rights or of previously held special privileges • disinheritance …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • disinherit — disinheritance, n. /dis in her it/, v.t. 1. Law. to exclude from inheritance (an heir or a next of kin). 2. to deprive of a heritage, country, right, privilege, etc.: the disinherited peoples of the earth. [1525 35; DIS 1 + INHERIT] * * * …   Universalium

  • disinherit — verb To exclude from inheritance; to disown. See Also: disinheritance …   Wiktionary

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