
ben·e·fi·cial /ˌbe--'fi-shəl/ adj
1: providing benefits or advantages
2: receiving or entitling one to receive an advantage, benefit, or use
a beneficial shareholder
a beneficial estate
ben·e·fi·cial·ly /-shə-/ adv

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective advantageous, aidful, aiding, anodyne, availing, beneficent, benign, benignant, conducive, constructive, contributive, contributory, convenient, cooperative, edifying, efficacious, favorable, fertile, for one's good, for one's interest, functional, gainful, good for one's advantage, helpful, helping, improving, invaluable, obliging, of general utility, of service, of value, paying, practicable, practical, productive, proficuous, profitable, prolific, promoting, propitious, prosperous, remunerative, salubrious, salutaris, salutary, salutiferous, serendipitous, to one's advantage, usable, useful, utilis, utilitarian, valuable, worthwhile associated concepts: beneficial association, beneficial enjoyment, beneficial estate, beneficial gift, beneficial interest, beneficial owner, beneficial power, beneficial purposes, beneficial use II index ancillary (auxiliary), contributory, convenient, corrigible, favorable (advantageous), gainful, instrumental, lucrative, medicinal, operative, palliative (abating), practical, profitable, propitious, purposeful, remedial, salubrious, salutary, valuable

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Profitable; advantageous; often used to describe entitlements enjoyed by the beneficiary of a trust who does not hold legal title to a property but is allowed to use it.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

n. A right or interest that derives from something other than legal title.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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