
cer·ti·fy /'sər--ˌfī/ vt -fied, -fy·ing [Medieval Latin certificare, from Late Latin, to assure, convince, from Latin certus certain + - ficare to make]
1: to state authoritatively: as
a: to give assurance of the validity of
certify corporate records
b: to present in formal communication (as an order) esp. for review by an appellate court
the court may certify the question to the Supreme Judicial CourtR. T. Gerwatowski see also certification
c: to state as being true or as reported or as meeting a standard
refused to certify the suit as a class action and dismissed itMarcia Coyle
2: to guarantee (a personal check) as to signature and amount by so indicating (as by stamping certified ) on the face see also certified check at check
3 a: certificate license
b: to designate (a labor union) as an exclusive bargaining agent or representative

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (approve) verb accede to, accept, accord, accord one's approval, accredit, acknowledge, admit, agree, agree to, allow, assent, assent to, authorize, charter, coincide, concur, concur in, confirm, confirm officially, consent, countenance, empower, endorse, entitle, establish, give assent, give clearance, give consent, give permission, indorse, legalize, license, make valid, permit, pronounce legal, ratify, sanction, uphold, validate, yield assent II (attest) verb acknowledge, advance, advocate, affirm, affirm explicitly, affirm in an official capacity, allege, assert, assert formally, assert oneself, assert positively, assert under oath, asseverate, assure, attest, authenticate, aver, avouch, avow, be sworn, bear out, bear witness, bear witness to, bring forward, claim, confess, confirm, confirm as correct, confirmare, convenant, corroborate, countersign, declare the truth of, declare to be true, deliver as one's act and deed, depone, depose, document, endorse, ensure, evidence, evince, execute, fortify, give a guarantee, give one's word, guarantee, guaranty, insist, insure, issue a statement, make absolute, make certain, make one's oath, make sure, proclaim, pronounce, ratify, reaffirm, reassure, reinsure, set one's hand and seal to, solemnly affirm, state emphatically, state with conviction, stress, sustain, swear, swear an affidavit, take one's oath, testify, utter with conviction, validate, verify, vouch, vouch for, vouch for as genuine, warrant associated concepts: certification of pleadings III index accredit, acknowledge (declare), affirm (uphold), allow (authorize), approve, ascertain, assert, assure (insure), attest, audit, authorize, avouch (avow), avouch (guarantee), avow, bear (adduce), bond (secure a debt), cite (state), claim (maintain), corroborate, cosign, countersign, depose (testify), endorse, ensure, establish (show), evidence, guarantee, indorse, legitimate, let (permit), manifest, notarize, posit, promise (vow), qualify (meet standards), reassure, seal (solemnize), sign, sponsor, subscribe (sign), substantiate, support (corroborate), sustain (confirm), swear, validate, verify (confirm), vouch, witness (attest to)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To confirm formally; to authenticate in writing.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1 To attest, authenticate, or verify something in writing.
2 To issue a certificate.
3 To judicially determine that a person is mentally or otherwise not competent.
4 To judicially determine that a group of individuals or entities meets the requirements to proceed with a class action.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • certify — cer‧ti‧fy [ˈsɜːtfaɪ ǁ ˈsɜːr ] verb certified PTandPP [transitive] 1. to state that something is correct or suitable, especially after an official check or test: • Every delivery must be certified for consistent quality. • The farm has not yet… …   Financial and business terms

  • certify — 1 Certify, attest, witness, vouch are comparable when they mean to testify to the truth or genuineness of something. Certify usually implies a statement in writing, especially one that carries one s signature or seal or both or one that is… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Certify — Cer ti*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Certified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Certifying}.] [F. certifier, LL. certificare; L. certus certain + facere to make. See {Certain}, and cf. {Certificate}, v. t.] 1. To give cetain information to; to assure; to make… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • certify — early 14c., from O.Fr. certefiier make certain, witness the truth of (12c.), from L.L. certificare to certify, to make certain, from L. certus (see CERTAIN (Cf. certain)) + root of facere to make, do (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)). Related:… …   Etymology dictionary

  • certify — [v] declare as true accredit, approve, ascertain, assure, attest, authenticate, authorize, aver, avow, commission, confirm, corroborate, endorse, guarantee, license, notify, okay, profess, reassure, rubber stamp*, sanction, show, state, swear,… …   New thesaurus

  • certify — ► VERB (certifies, certified) 1) formally confirm. 2) officially recognize as meeting certain standards. 3) officially declare insane. ORIGIN Latin certificare, from certus certain …   English terms dictionary

  • certify — [sʉrt′ə fī΄] vt. certified, certifying [ME certifien < OFr certifier < LL certificare < L certus, CERTAIN + FY] 1. to declare (a thing) true, accurate, certain, etc. by formal statement, often in writing; verify; attest 2. to declare… …   English World dictionary

  • certify — v. 1) (esp. BE) (D; tr.) to certify as (the psychiatrist certified him as insane) 2) (L) she certified that it was a true copy 3) (M) can you certify this to be a true copy? 4) (esp. BE) (N; used with an adjective) he was certified insane * * * [ …   Combinatory dictionary

  • certify — cer|ti|fy [ˈsə:tıfaı US ˈsə:r ] v past tense and past participle certified present participle certifying third person singular certifies [T] [Date: 1300 1400; : French; Origin: certifier, from Late Latin certificare, from Latin certus; CERTAIN1]… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • certify — transitive verb ( fied; fying) Etymology: Middle English certifien, from Anglo French certefier, from Late Latin certificare, from Latin certus certain more at certain Date: 14th century 1. to attest authoritatively: as a. confirm …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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