
I noun animadversion, aspersion, attaint, baseness, castigation, censure, condemnation, contumely, criticism, debasement, dedecus, degradation, denunciation, derogation, disapprobation, disapproval, disbelief, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace, dishonor, disparagement, dispraise, disreputability, disrepute, distrust, ignominia, ignominy, impaired reputation, imputation, incredulity, infamia, infamy, inglonousness, lack of confidence, lack of esteem, loss of belief, loss of credence, loss of credit, loss of repute, mistrust, odium, opprobrium, probrum, reflection, remonstrance, reprehension, reproach, reprobation, repudiation, revilement, scandal, shame, slur, stain, stigma, stricture, taint, tarnish, turpitude associated concepts: discredit a witness II verb abrogare, asperse, besmirch, brand, bring disgrace upon, bring into disfavor, bring reproach upon, cast aspersions on, cast shame upon, debase decry, degrade, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, deprive of credit, derogare, derogate from, discount, disgrace, dishonor, disparage, downgrade, hold up to shame, impair the reputation of, impute shame to, injure the credit of, involve in shame, make distasteful, malign, reflect dishonor upon, reprehend, scandalize, stain, stigmatize, taint, tarnish associated concepts: discredit a witness, discredited witness III index attaint, bad character, bad repute, brand (stigmatize), cavil, cite (accuse), condemnation (blame), contemn, debase, decry, defame, degradation, demean (make lower), denounce (condemn), deprecate, depreciate, derogate, disaccord, disallow, disapprove (condemn), disavow, disbelieve, discommend, discount (disbelieve), disfavor, disgrace (noun), disgrace (verb), dishonor (shame), dishonor (deprive of honor), disparage, disprove, doubt (suspicion), doubt (distrust), humiliate, ignominy, impeach, impeachability, impugn, incredulity, infamy, lessen, libel, negate, notoriety, obloquy, onus (stigma), opprobrium, pillory, refuse, refute, reject, reproach (noun), reproach (verb), scandal, shame, smear, stain, sully, tarnish, underestimate

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To hurt someone’s credibility or reputation; to make an idea, a statement, an individual, or a piece of evidence appear unreliable.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • discrédit — [ diskredi ] n. m. • 1719; de discréditer 1 ♦ Vieilli Diminution, perte du crédit dont jouissait une valeur. Discrédit des assignats. ⇒ baisse. 2 ♦ Mod. Diminution de la confiance, de l estime dont jouissait une personne, une idée. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • discredit — DISCRÉDIT s.n. (Rar) Pierdere sau micşorare a prestigiului, a consideraţiei, a influenţei, a încrederii de care se bucură cineva sau ceva. – Din fr. discrédit. Trimis de RACAI, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  DISCRÉDIT s. v. compromitere,… …   Dicționar Român

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  • discredit — [v1] blame, detract from blow up*, bring into disrepute, bring to naught, censure, defame, degrade, destroy, disconsider, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace, dishonor, disparage, disprove, explode, expose, frown upon*, knock bottom out of*, mudsling* …   New thesaurus

  • discredit — [dis kred′it] vt. 1. to reject as untrue; disbelieve 2. to be a reason for disbelieving or distrusting; cast doubt on [their earlier lies discredit anything they may say] 3. to damage the credit or reputation of; disgrace n. 1. absence or loss of …   English World dictionary

  • Discredit — Dis*cred it, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Discredited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Discrediting}.] [Cf. F. discr[ e]diter.] 1. To refuse credence to; not to accept as true; to disbelieve; as, the report is discredited. [1913 Webster] 2. To deprive of credibility;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • discredit — 1550s, from DIS (Cf. dis ) opposite of + CREDIT (Cf. credit). Related: Discredited; discrediting; discreditable; discreditably …   Etymology dictionary

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