- domicile
do·mi·cile 1 /'dä-mə-ˌsīl, 'dō-/ n [Latin domicilium dwelling place, home]1: the place where an individual has a fixed and permanent home for legal purposes – called also legal residence;2: the place where an organization (as a corporation) is chartered or that is the organization's principal place of business compare citizenship, residence◇ The domicile of an individual or organization determines the proper jurisdiction and venue for legal process. The courts of a person's domicile have personal jurisdiction. For persons lacking capacity (as minors), domicile is often statutorily determined as the domicile of the guardian.domicile 2 vt -ciled, -cil·ing: to establish in or provide with a domicilean alien admitted to the United States for permanent residence shall be deemed a citizen of the State in which such alien is domiciled — U.S. Codeany state in which a corporation is domiciled — L. H. Tribedom·i·cil·i·ary 1 /ˌdä-mə-'si-lē-ˌer-ē, ˌdō-/ adj: of, relating to, or constituting a domiciledomicile jurisdictiondomiciliary 2 n pl -ar·ies: a person who is domiciled in a particular jurisdiction (as a country)a French domicile compare resident
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- domicile
abiding place, abode, accommodations, address, billet, domicilium, domus, dwelling, habitance, habitancy, habitat, habitation, home, house, inhabitance, inhabitancy, living quarters, lodging, lodgment, place of occupancy, place of residence, quarters, residence, residency, tabernacle
associated concepts: abandonment of domicile, acquisition of domicile, bona fide domicile, change of domicile, de facto domicile, family domicile, legal domicile, matrimonial domicile, plural domiciles
foreign phrases:
- Uxor sequitur domicilium viri. — The wife follows the domicile of her husband- Domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium. — Everyone's home is his safest refuge.II index abode, address, building (structure), dwell (reside), dwelling, habitation (dwelling place), house, inhabit, inhabitation (place of dwelling), lodge (house), lodge (reside), lodging, reside, residence
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- domicile
A company incorporated in England and Wales must have a registered office in these territories and is subject to local corporate law. It need not be a tax resident in the UK.
Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. — UK law terms.
- domicile
n.A legal home; the country or state that a person considers his or her permanent residence, even if he or she is living elsewhere; the place where a corporation conducts its affairs.adj.domiciliary
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- domicile
the country that a person treats as his permanent home and to which he has the closest legal attachment. A person cannot be without a domicile and cannot have more than one domicile at any one time; he acquires a domicile of origin at birth (normally, if his father is alive, his father's; if his father is not alive, his mother's). He retains this domicile until he acquires a domicile of choice (by making a home in a country with the intention that it should be a permanent base). Domicile is distinct from nationality; it is also distinct from 'ordinary residence' in that the latter may be acquired without any intention to reside there permanently.
Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.
- domicile
The state in which a person has or intends to maintain permanent residence, or the state in which a business locates its headquarters. Domicile governs such matters as the state in which a deceased person's estate is probated, where a party can begin divorce proceedings, and whether there is "diversity of citizenship" between two parties that may give federal courts jurisdiction over a lawsuit. A person may have many residences but only one legal domicile.Category: Business, LLCs & CorporationsCategory: Divorce & Family LawCategory: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Wills
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- domicile
England, WalesBroadly, domicile can be summarised as an individual's permanent home. It is a common law concept that the courts use to determine which legal system applies to an individual, where that individual has connections with more than one jurisdiction. Domicile is relevant in matters of personal law and where there is a conflict of laws. The concept of domicile has also been imported into UK tax legislation to determine an individual's liability to income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax.For further information see Practice note, Domicile.
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
- domicile
n. An individual or corporation's permanent legal residence, of which there may only be one; for an individual or corporation with multiple residences, the primary one, determining the proper jurisdiction for matters such as taxation, voting, and so on. In the case of multiple residences, an individual's domicile is that to which he always intends to return.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- domicile
The place where a person has his permanent home to which he intends to return.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- domicile
n.the place where a person has his/her permanent principal home to which he/she returns or intends to return. This becomes significant in determining in what state a probate of a dead person's estate is filed, what state can assess income or inheritance taxes, where a party can begin divorce proceedings, or whether there is "diversity of citizenship" between two parties which may give federal courts jurisdiction over a lawsuit. Where a person has several "residences" it may be a matter of proof as to which is the state of domicile. A business has its domicile in the state where its headquarters is located.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.