- examine
(interrogate) verb
catechize, challenge, inquire, inquirere, inspicere, interpellate, interview, investigare, probe, put questions to, query, question, question under oath, quiz, subject to questioning
associated concepts: examine a witness
(study) verb
analyze, anatomize, audit, canvass, check, conduct research on, contemplate, delve into, dissect, explore, go over, inquire into, inspect, investigate, keep under surveillance, look for flaws, look into, look over, look through, make an analysis, monitor, observe, peer at, peruse, probe, pry into, reconnoiter, regard carefully, research, review, scrutinize, study systematically, subject to analysis, subject to scrutiny, survey, take stock of, watch closely
associated concepts: examine books and records
analyze, audit, canvass, check (inspect), consider, criticize (evaluate), cross-examine, deliberate, delve, discern (detect with the senses), frisk, inquire, investigate, judge, monitor, muse, observe (watch), overlook (superintend), oversee, peruse, ponder, probe, reason (conclude), research, review, revise, scrutinize, search, study, treat (process), try (conduct a trial), weigh
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- examine
v.To inspect; to investigate; to question or interrogate.n.examination
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.