
due adj [Old French deu, past participle of devoir to owe, from Latin debere]
1 a: satisfying or capable of satisfying an obligation, duty, or requirement under the law
the buyer's due performance under the contract
due proof of loss
b: proper under the law
obstructing due administration of justice
2: capable of being attributed
— used with to
any loss due to neglect
3 a: having reached the date at which payment is required: payable
b: owed though not yet required to be paid
4: reasonable (1a, b)

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (owed) adjective chargeable, claimable, collectable, condign, debitus, delinquent, deserved, earned, in arrears, merited, outstanding, owing, to be paid, uncompensated, unpaid, unrewarded, unsettled associated concepts: amount due, balance due, debt due, due bills, due date, due on demand, indebtedness due, justly due and owing, legally due, money due, payment due, rent due, taxes due foreign phrases:
- Nihil petl potest ante id tempus, quo per rerum naturam persolvi possit — Nothing can be demanded before the time when, in the nature of things, it can be paid
II (regular) adjective according to law, allowable, appropriate, authorized, befitting, correct, expedient, fit, lawful, legal, legislated, legitimate, licit, nomothetic, permitted, proper, rightful, sanctioned, statutory associated concepts: due acknowledgment, due administration of justice, due and proper care, due and reasonable care, due care, due compensation, due consideration, due course, due course of business, due course of law, due diligence, due execution, due exercise of discretion, due process of law, due proof, due proof of death, due proof of loss, due regard, holder in due course III noun accounts collectable, accounts outstanding, arrears, balance to pay, charge, claim, compensation owed, deberi, debit, debt, deficit, droit, entitlement, favor owed, fee, indebtedness, lawful claim, liability, obligation accrued, outstanding debt, overdue payment, pledge, right, something owed, that which is owing, vested right associated concepts: due and payable, due in full, due on demand, having become due, payable upon sight IV index birthright, charge (cost), claim (right), condign, delinquent (overdue), droit, entitled, expense (cost), forthcoming, just, liability, opportune, outstanding (unpaid), overdue, payable, prerogative, price, receivable, reprisal, retribution, right (entitlement), right (righteousness), rightful, seasonable, suitable, unpaid, unsettled

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Proper, adequate, rightful, just, appropriate for the circumstances.
(2) Expected to be paid at a particular time; payable.
Something owed to someone.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1) Owed as of a specific date.
2) Immediately enforceable — for example, payment is due at time of service.
3) Proper, just, or reasonable — for example, due care.
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt
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Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
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Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 adj. A proper or appropriate standard or level, as in due care.
2 adv. Of a debt, draft, or other financial instrument, that it is payable immediately.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Just; proper; regular; lawful; sufficient; reasonable, as in the phrases due care, due process of law, due notice.
Owing; payable; justly owed. That which one contracts to pay or perform to another; that which law or justice requires to be paid or done. Owed, or owing, as distinguished from payable.
A debt is often said to be due from a person where he or she is the party owing it, or primarily bound to pay, whether the time for payment has or has not arrived. The same thing is true of the phrase due and owing.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Just; proper; regular; lawful; sufficient; reasonable, as in the phrases due care, due process of law, due notice.
Owing; payable; justly owed. That which one contracts to pay or perform to another; that which law or justice requires to be paid or done. Owed, or owing, as distinguished from payable.
A debt is often said to be due from a person where he or she is the party owing it, or primarily bound to pay, whether the time for payment has or has not arrived. The same thing is true of the phrase due and owing.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   and adj. owed as of a specific date. A popular legal redundancy is that a debt is "due, owing and unpaid." Unpaid does not necessarily mean that a debt is due.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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