
I adjective absconditus, abstruse, ambushed, arcane, blind, buried, camouflaged, clandestine, cloaked, close, clouded, concealed, covered, covert, cryptic, dark, delitescent, disguised, eclipsed, enigmatical, enshrouded, esoteric, hieroglyphic, indiscernable, invisible, latent, lurking, masked, mysterious, mystic, mystical, obscure, obscured, occult, occultus, out of sight, out of view, perdu, puzzling, recondite, screened, secluded, secret, secreted, shrouded, suppressed, surreptitious, unapparent, uncomprehended, undeciphered, undercover, underground, underhanded, undetected, undisclosed, undivulged, unexplained, unexposed, unknown, unobserved, unperceived, unrevealed, unseen, untold, veiled associated concepts: attractive nuisance, duty to discover, hidden assets, hidden danger, hidden defects, hidden traps, latent defects, patent defects II index blind (concealed), clandestine, confidential, covert, enigmatic, esoteric, furtive, impalpable, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, inconspicuous, indirect, indiscernible, inexplicable, inscrutable, lost (taken away), mysterious, obscure (abstruse), obscure (faint), personal (private), private (confidential), private (secluded), privy, recondite, remote (secluded), secret, sly, stealthy, surreptitious, ulterior, undisclosed

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Concealed from view.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • Hidden — Hid den, p. p. & a. from {Hide}. Concealed; put out of view; secret; not known; mysterious. [1913 Webster] {Hidden fifths} or {Hidden octaves} (Mus.), consecutive fifths or octaves, not sounded, but suggested or implied in the parallel motion of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Hidden 2 — (The Hidden II) est un film américain réalisé par Seth Pinsker, sorti en 1994. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Autour du film …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • hidden — [adj] unseen, secret abstruse, buried, clandestine, cloaked, close, clouded, concealed, covered, covert, cryptic, dark, disguised, eclipsed, esoteric, hermetic, hermetical, imperceivable, indiscernible, in the dark, invisible, latent, masked,… …   New thesaurus

  • hidden — [hid′ n] vt., vi. [ME, for OE gehydd] alt. pp. of HIDE1 adj. concealed; secret …   English World dictionary

  • hidden — hid|den1 [ˈhıdn] the past participle of ↑hide hidden 2 hidden2 adj 1.) difficult to see or find ▪ the use of hidden cameras ▪ Some areas can hold hidden dangers for dogs. ▪ the hidden meaning behind his words ▪ Be on the lookout for hidden costs… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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