
il·le·git·i·mate /ˌi-li-'ji-tə-mət/ adj
1: not recognized by the law as offspring; specif: born out of marriage
◇ An illegitimate child is usu. legitimated by his or her parents' later marriage. Illegitimate children generally have the same inheritance rights under intestate successions as legitimate children; statutes limiting their inheritance rights have been found to violate the equal protection clause.
2: not valid according to law
illegitimate n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (born out of wedlock) adjective adulterine, base-born, bastard, misbegot, misbegotten, nothus, of illicit union, unlawfully begotten, unnatural associated concepts: illegitimate children, legitimation, paternity proceeding, presumption of legitimacy foreign phrases:
- Parentum est liberos alere atiam nothos. — It is the duty of parents to support their children even when illegitmate
- Qui nascitur sine legitimo matrimonio, matron sequitur. — He who is born out of lawful matrimony succeeds to the condition of his mother
- Non est justum aliquem antenatum post mortem facere bastardum qui toto tempore vitae suae pro legitimo habebatur. — It is not just to make anyone a bastard after his death, who during his lifetime was regarded as legitimate
- justum non est aliquem antenatum mortuum facere bastardum, qui pro tota vita sua pro legitimo habetur. — It is not just to make a bastard after his death one elder born who all his life has been accounted legitimate.
- Qui ex damnato cottu nascuntur inter liberos non computentur. — They who are born of an illicit union should not be reckoned among the children
II (illegal) adjective against the law, banned, contrary to law, criminal, forbidden, illicit, impermissible, improper, interdicted, lawbreaking, malfeasant, non legitimus, not according to law, not permitted, outlawed, outside the law, prohibited, prohibited by law, proscribed, unallowed, unauthorized, unlawful, unlicensed, unsanctioned, wrongful III index felonious, illegal, illicit, impermissible, irregular (improper), spurious, synthetic, ultra vires, unauthorized, unlawful, wrongful

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Not authorized by law; illegal.
(2) Born to parents not married to one another at the time of conception.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1 Of a child, that he or she was born to parents not married to one another.
2 Wrongful or unlawful.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • Illegitimate — Il le*git i*mate, a. 1. Not according to law; not regular or authorized; unlawful; improper. [1913 Webster] 2. Unlawfully begotten; born out of wedlock; bastard; as, an illegitimate child. [1913 Webster] 3. Not legitimately deduced or inferred;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • illegitimate — [il΄ə jit′ə mət] adj. [< ML illegitimatus, pp. of illegitimare, to make illegitimate < L illegitimus, not lawful: see IN 2 & LEGITIMATE] 1. born of parents not married to each other; bastard 2. incorrectly deduced: not logical [an… …   English World dictionary

  • Illegitimate — Il le*git i*mate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Illegitimated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Illegitimating}.] To render illegitimate; to declare or prove to be born out of wedlock; to bastardize; to illegitimatize. [1913 Webster] The marriage should only be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • illegitimate — (adj.) 1530s, born out of wedlock, formed in English (and replacing earlier illegitime, c.1500), modeled on L. illegitimus not legitimate (see IL (Cf. il ) + LEGITIMATE (Cf. legitimate)). Sense of unauthorized, unwarranted is from 1640s. Phrase… …   Etymology dictionary

  • illegitimate — *unlawful, illegal, illicit Antonyms: legitimate Contrasted words: *lawful, legal, licit …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • illegitimate — [adj] not legal contraband, illegal, illicit, improper, invalid, misbegotten, spurious, supposititious, unauthorized, unconstitutional, unlawful, unsanctioned, wicked, wrong; concepts 319,549 Ant. authorized, blessed, ethical, justifiable, legal …   New thesaurus

  • illegitimate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not in accordance with the law or accepted standards. 2) (of a child) born of parents not lawfully married to each other. DERIVATIVES illegitimacy noun illegitimately adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • illegitimate — illegitimately, adv. illegitimateness, illegitimation, n. adj., n. /il i jit euh mit/; v. /il i jit euh mayt /, adj., n., v., illegitimated, illegitimating. adj. 1. born of parents who are not married to each other; born out of wedlock: an… …   Universalium

  • illegitimate — [[t]ɪ̱lɪʤɪ̱tɪmət[/t]] 1) ADJ A person who is illegitimate was born of parents who were not married to each other. 2) ADJ Illegitimate is used to describe activities and institutions that are not in accordance with the law or with accepted… …   English dictionary

  • illegitimate — adjective /ɪləˈdʒɪtəmət / (say iluh jituhmuht) 1. not legitimate; unlawful: an illegitimate act. 2. born out of wedlock: an illegitimate child. 3. irregular; not in good usage. 4. Logic not in accordance with the principle of inference. –verb (t) …  

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