
im·ply /im-'plī/ vt im·plied, im·ply·ing
1: to recognize as existing by inference or necessary consequence esp. on legal or equitable grounds
in ordinary circumstances...the law would imply that it was the duty of the hospital to use due careHaase v. Starnes, 915 S.W.2d 675 (1996)
2: to make known indirectly

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I verb advert, allude to, carry a suggestion, connote, denote, drop a hint, give a hint, give indirect information, hint at, include by implication, indicare, indicate, indirectly state, infer, insinuate, intimate, involve, leave an inference, make an allusion to, point to, show indirectly, significare, state in nonexplicit terms, suggest, whisper associated concepts: implied acceptance, implied agency, implied authority, implied consent, implied contract, implied dedication, implied easement, implied in law, implied knowledge, implied license, implied malice, implied notice, implied permission, implied power, implied promise, implied ratification, implied trust, implied warranty foreign phrases:
- In omnibus contractibus, sive nominatis sive innominatis, permutatio continetur. — In all contracts, whether nominate or innominate, there is implied an exchange
- Expressio eorum quae tacite insunt nihil operator. — The expression of those things which are tacitly implied has no effect
II index allude, bear (adduce), bespeak, connote, denote, evidence, hint, indicate, infer, purport, signify (denote)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To suggest strongly that something is true without stating it directly. See also infer

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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(as a consequence), (by implication), , ,

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  • imply — (v.) late 14c., to enfold, enwrap, entangle (the classical Latin sense), from O.Fr. emplier, from L. implicare involve (see IMPLICATE (Cf. implicate)). Meaning to involve something unstated as a logical consequence first recorded c.1400; that of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • imply — ► VERB (implies, implied) 1) indicate by suggestion rather than explicit reference. 2) (of a fact or occurrence) suggest as a logical consequence. USAGE The words imply and infer do not mean the same thing. Imply is used with a speaker as its… …   English terms dictionary

  • Imply — Im*ply , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Implied}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Implying}.] [From the same source as employ. See {Employ}, {Ply}, and cf. {Implicate}, {Apply}.] 1. To infold or involve; to wrap up. [Obs.] His head in curls implied. Chapman. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • imply — 1 involve, comprehend, include, embrace, subsume Analogous words: import, *mean, signify, denote: *contain, hold: convey, *carry, bear 2 *suggest, hint, intimate, insinuate Analogous words: connote, *denote: * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • imply — [v] indicate, mean betoken, connote, denote, designate, entail, evidence, give a hint, hint, import, include, insinuate, intend, intimate, involve, mention, point to, presuppose, refer, signify, suggest; concepts 75,97,682 Ant. define, explicate …   New thesaurus

  • imply — [im plī′] vt. implied, implying [ME implien < OFr emplier < L implicare, to involve, entangle < in , in + plicare, to fold: see PLY1] 1. to have as a necessary part, condition, or effect; contain, include, or involve naturally or… …   English World dictionary

  • imply — infer, imply 1. The only point noted by Fowler (1926) was that the inflected forms of infer are inferred and inferring, and this is thankfully still true (but note inferable or inferrable, with one r or two, and inference with only one r). Fowler …   Modern English usage

  • imply — verb ADVERB ▪ clearly, heavily, strongly ▪ subtly ▪ He subtly implied that race was an issue in the case. ▪ logically ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • imply */*/*/ — UK [ɪmˈplaɪ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms imply : present tense I/you/we/they imply he/she/it implies present participle implying past tense implied past participle implied 1) if one thing implies another thing, the other thing is likely to… …   English dictionary

  • imply — 01. Were you [implying] that I stole some equipment when you mentioned that things always went missing when I was in the office? 02. When you said you didn t believe me, were you [implying] that I was lying? 03. Are you [implying] that I was… …   Grammatical examples in English

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