
in·jus·tice n
1: absence of justice: violation of what is considered right and just or of the rights of another
2: an unjust act

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun abuse, bias, denial of justice, encroachment, error of the court, fault of the court, favoritism, illegality, imposition, improbity, inequality, inequitable action, inequity, infringement, iniquity, iniuria, iniustitia, maltreatment, miscarriage of justice, mistake of the court, offense, omission of a court, oppression, partiality, partisanship, persecution, prejudice, transgression, tyranny, unfair action, unfairness, unjust action, unlawfulness, unrighteousness, violation of right, wrong, wrong verdict, wrongdoing foreign phrases:
- Fictio legis inique operatur alicui damnum vel injuriam. — Fiction of law is wrongful if it works loss or harm to any one.
- Lex nemini operatur iniquum, nemini faclt injuriam. — The law never works an injury, or does a wrong.
II index corruption, disservice, error, grievance, ground, inequality, inequity, infringement, mischief, misdeed, misdoing, misjudgment, nepotism, oppression, partiality, prejudice (injury), wrong

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

An absence of fairness; an unfair occurrence; a mistake made by a court that results in unfair and unjust treatment.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • injustice — [ ɛ̃ʒystis ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. injustitia 1 ♦ Caractère d une personne, d une chose injuste; manque de justice. ⇒ iniquité. L injustice des hommes. L injustice d une sentence. ⇒ partialité. « La puissance ne se montre que si l on en use avec… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Injustice — • The violation of another s strict right against his reasonable will, and the value of the word right is determined to be the moral power of having or doing or exacting something in support or furtherance of one s own advantage Catholic… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • injustice — injustice, injury, wrong, grievance are comparable when they denote an act that inflicts undeserved damage, loss, or hardship on a person. Injustice is the general term applicable not only to an act which involves unfairness to another or a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • injustice — Injustice. s. f. Habitude, ou action contraire à la justice. L injustice regnoit en ce siecle là. il a fait une grande injustice. commettre des injustices. son procedé est plein d injustice …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Injustice — In*jus tice, n. [F. injustice, L. injustitia. See {In } not, and {Justice}, and cf. {Unjust}.] 1. Lack of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition. [1913 Webster] If this people… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • injustice — late 14c., from O.Fr. injustice, from L. injustitia injustice, from injustus unjust, wrongful, oppressive, from in not (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + justus just (see JUST (Cf. just) (adj.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Injustice — is the lack of or opposition to justice, either in reference to a particular event or act, or as a larger status quo.The term generally refers to the misuse, abuse, neglect, or malfeasance of a justice system, with regard to a particular case or… …   Wikipedia

  • injustice — [n] unfair treatment; bias abuse, breach, crime, crying shame*, damage, dirty deal*, discrimination, encroachment, favoritism, grievance, inequality, inequity, infraction, infringement, iniquity, malfeasance, malpractice, maltreatment,… …   New thesaurus

  • injustice — Injustice, Iniustitia, Pseudodica …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • injustice — ► NOUN 1) lack of justice. 2) an unjust act or occurrence …   English terms dictionary

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