
in·ter·pret /in-'tər-prət/ vt: to explain or tell the meaning of (as a document) esp. in order to determine intent
they must interpret the provisions of the Constitution — L. H. Tribe

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I verb annotate, characterize, clarify, clear up, conicere, construe, convey the meaning of, decipher, decode, deduce, define, delineate, depict, describe, diagnose, explain, explain the meaning, explanare, explicate, expound, figure out, give one an idea of, give one an impression of, illuminate, illustrate, interpretari, make clear, make plain, make sense of, offer an explanation of, reveal, set forth the meaning, simplify, solve, throw light upon, translate, translate orally, understand, unfold, unravel, unscramble associated concepts: construction, interpret a contract, interpret a will II index characterize, clarify, comment, construe (comprehend), construe (translate), define, determine, educate, elucidate, enlighten, explain, explicate, expound, illustrate, judge, read, recite, render (depict), resolve (solve), review, solve

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To ascertain or explain the meaning of something, such as a statute, contract, or other document; to explain the meaning of the language of a law or other legal document without venturing into legal intentions and consequences.
interpretation See also construe, construction

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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