- limit
ambit, border, bound, boundary, boundary line, circumscriptio, circumscription, extreme boundary final point, finis, fringe, frontier, furthest point, line of demarcation, outer edge, outer line, outer point, perimeter, rim, terminus, verge
associated concepts: jurisdictional limit, territorial limit
bind, bridle, check, circumscribe, circumscribere, confine, constrain, constrict, contain, curb, deter, enclose, finire, hamper, hem in, hinder, hold back, impede, leash, modulate, narrow, proscribe, repress, restrain, restrict, set bounds, suppress, terminare
abate (lessen), abridge (divest), ambit, bar (obstruction), bar (exclude), barrier, bind (restrain), block, border, border (bound), boundary, cap, capacity (maximum), ceiling, censor, check (restrain), commute, compel, condemn (ban), confine, constrain (imprison), constrain (restrain), constrict (inhibit), control (restrain), curb, debar, defeasance, define, demarcate, detain (restrain), deter, determine, diminish, disadvantage, discipline (control), disfranchise, duration, edge (border), enclose, enclosure, encumber (hinder), end (termination), enjoin, expiration, extent, extremity (furthest point), frontier, gamut, guideline, hamper, hedge, impede, margin (outside limit), maximum (pinnacle), measurement, mete, moderate (temper), modify (moderate), obstruct, palliate (abate), periphery, prevent, prohibit, prohibition, purview, qualify (condition), quota, range, repress, restrain, restrict, retrench, scope, specialize, toll (stop)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- limit
v.To restrict; to set boundaries.n.A boundary or restriction.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.