
I noun ambassadorial function, ambassadorial office, ambassadorial residence, commission, consulate, delegation, deputation, diplomatic corps, embassage, establishment of an ambassador, legateship, legatio, legation, mission, mission of the ambassador, official headquarters of an ambassador, official mission associated concepts: consular and diplomatic officers II index commission (agency), delegation (envoy), mission

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

U.S. embassies represent the U.S. government in other countries, and are where the U.S. ambassador works. The United States has embassies located in many countries around the world, usually in their capital city. The U.S. may also operate smaller versions of the embassy called "consulates" in other cities within the same country, presided over by a U.S. consul. Most U.S. embassies and consulates accept and process applications for both nonimmigrant and immigrant visas.
Category: Immigration → How to Get a Green Card
Category: Immigration → Visas & Visiting the United States

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

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  • embassy — UK US /ˈembəsi/ noun [C] (plural embassies) ► POLITICS, GOVERNMENT a group of people who represent their country in a foreign country, or the building where they work: »Officials at the Mexican Embassy in Washington have been lobbying the U.S.… …   Financial and business terms

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  • Embassy — Em bas*sy, n.; pl. {Embassies}. [OF. ambass[ e]e, embasc[ e]e, LL. ambasciata, fr. ambasciare for ambactiare to go on a mission, fr. L. ambactus vassal, dependent, of Celtic or German origin; cf. W. amaeth husbandman, Goth. andbahts servant, G.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • embassy — 1570s, position of an ambassador, from M.Fr. embassee mission, charge, office of ambassador, O.Fr. ambassee, from It. ambasciata, from O.Prov. ambaisada office of ambassador, from Gaul. *ambactos dependant, vassal, lit. one going around, from PIE …   Etymology dictionary

  • embassy — [n] residence, offices of overseas representatives commission, committee, consular office, consulate, delegation, diplomatic office, legation, ministry, mission; concepts 439,449,516 …   New thesaurus

  • embassy — ► NOUN (pl. embassies) 1) the official residence or offices of an ambassador. 2) chiefly historical a deputation sent by one state to another. ORIGIN Old French ambasse, from Latin ambactus servant (related to AMBASSADOR(Cf. ↑ambassadress)) …   English terms dictionary

  • embassy — [em′bə sē] n. pl. embassies [earlier ambassy < MFr ambassée < OIt ambasciata < Prov ambaissada < * ambaissa: see AMBASSADOR] 1. the position, functions, or business of an ambassador 2. the official residence or offices of an… …   English World dictionary

  • embassy — 01. There was a demonstration at the American [Embassy] in Bonn to protest against the bombing of Iraq. 02. He went to the [embassy] to report that his passport had been stolen. 03. The rebels are holding staff members of the American [Embassy]… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • embassy — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ foreign ▪ American, British, Chinese, etc. VERB + EMBASSY ▪ close, open …   Collocations dictionary

  • embassy — n. 1) a foreign embassy 2) at, in an embassy (she works at/in the embassy) * * * [ embəsɪ] in an embassy (she works at/in the embassy) a foreignembassy at …   Combinatory dictionary

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