
en·croach·ment n
1: an act or instance of encroaching
2: something (as a structure) that encroaches on another's land
possession of the one-foot encroachment

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun breach, entrance by stealth, entrance upon the domain of another, illegal intrusion, impingement, imposition, incursion, infiltration, infraction, infringement, injuria, inroad, interference, interloping, intrusion, invasion, irruption, obtrusion, overlap, overstepping, penetration, prying, raid, real estate trespass, transgression, trespass, unlawful invasion, violation, wrongful entry, wrongful ingress associated concepts: adverse possession, common nuissance, easements, public nuissance II index assumption (seizure), breach, contempt (disobedience to the court), crime, imposition (excessive burden), incursion, infraction, injustice, intrusion, invasion, offense, transgression, violation

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

unlawful interference on another's land or with their rights.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

The building of a structure entirely or partly on a neighbor's property. Encroachment may occur due to faulty surveying or by the builder's deliberate decision. Solutions range from paying the rightful property owner for the use of the property to the court-ordered removal of the structure.
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

An illegal intrusion in a highway or navigable river, with or without obstruction.
An encroachment upon a street or highway is a fixture, such as a wall or fence, which illegally intrudes into or invades the highway or encloses a portion of it, diminishing its width or area, but without closing it to public travel.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

An illegal intrusion in a highway or navigable river, with or without obstruction.
An encroachment upon a street or highway is a fixture, such as a wall or fence, which illegally intrudes into or invades the highway or encloses a portion of it, diminishing its width or area, but without closing it to public travel.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the act of building a structure which is in whole or in part on a neighbor's property.
   See also: encroach

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Encroachment — is a term which implies advance beyond proper limits, and may have different interpretations depending on the context. Encroachment may refer to one of the following:*Temporal encroachment present *Structural encroachment *Military encroachment… …   Wikipedia

  • Encroachment — En*croach ment, n. 1. The act of entering gradually or silently upon the rights or possessions of another; unlawful intrusion. [1913 Webster] An unconstitutional encroachment of military power on the civil establishment. Bancroft. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • encroachment — 1520s, from ENCROACH (Cf. encroach) + MENT (Cf. ment). In Anglo French from mid 15c …   Etymology dictionary

  • Encroachment — A situation in real estate where a property owner violates the property rights of his neighbor by building something on the neighbor s land or by allowing something to hang over onto the neighbor s property. Encroachment can be a problem along… …   Investment dictionary

  • encroachment — [[t]ɪnkro͟ʊtʃmənt[/t]] encroachments N VAR: usu with supp (disapproval) You can describe the action or process of encroaching on something as encroachment. It s a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine... The problem was to… …   English dictionary

  • encroachment — encroach en‧croach [ɪnˈkrəʊtʆ ǁ ˈkroʊtʆ] verb encroach on/​upon something phrasal verb [transitive] to gradually take more control of someone s rights, property, responsibility etc than you should: • Bureaucratic power has encroached upon the… …   Financial and business terms

  • encroachment — An illegal intrusion in a highway or navigable river, with or without obstruction. Hartford Elec. Light Co. v. Water Resources Commission, 162 Conn. 89, 291 A.2d 721, 730. An encroachment upon a street or highway is a fixture, such as a wall or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • encroachment — An illegal intrusion in a highway or navigable river, with or without obstruction. Hartford Elec. Light Co. v. Water Resources Commission, 162 Conn. 89, 291 A.2d 721, 730. An encroachment upon a street or highway is a fixture, such as a wall or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • encroachment — noun the encroachment on their territory Syn: intrusion on, trespass on, invasion of, infiltration of, incursion into, appropriation of; infringement of, impingement on …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • encroachment — encroach ► VERB 1) (encroach on/upon) gradually intrude on (a person s territory, rights, etc.). 2) advance gradually beyond expected or acceptable limits: the sea has encroached all round the coast. DERIVATIVES encroachment noun. ORIGIN Old… …   English terms dictionary

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