- partial
(biased) adjective
bigoted, cupidus, discriminatory, favorably disposed, inclined, influenced, iniquus, interested, jaundiced, narrow-minded, one-sided, partisan, predisposed, prejudiced, prepossessed, prone, restricted, studiosus, subjective, swayed, unbalanced, unequal, uneven, unfair, unjust, unjustified, unreasonable
associated concepts: partial acceptance, partial delivery, partial performance, partial restraint, partial summary judgment
(part) adjective
apart, confined, divided, divisible, factional, fragmentary, incomplete, limited, narrow, not complete, not completed, partim, sectional, split, uncompleted, unfinished, unperformed, wanting
(relating to a part) adjective
abridged, deficient, divided, divisible, fractional, fragmentary, imperfect, incomplete, inexact, insufficient, limited, partim, scanty, sectional, segmental, sketchy, uncompleted, undeveloped, unfinalized, unfinished, unperfected, unthorough, wanting
associated concepts: partial payment, partial summary judgment
deficient, ex parte, illiberal, imperfect, inchoate, inequitable, interested, one-sided, parochial, partisan, preferential, prone, semi, unequal (unjust), unjust
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- partial
adj.Not complete or entire; affecting only part of something.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- partial
adj.not complete or entire.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.