quasi-judicial — proceedings that seem judicial but that are conducted by a person other than a judge. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001. quasi judicial 1) A description of … Law dictionary
quasi–judicial — adj: of, relating to, or being an administrative act, body, or procedure that is concerned with the adjudication of specific rights and obligations rather than the promulgation of rules, that requires discretion and decision, and that may be… … Law dictionary
quasi-judicial — [kwā′sī΄jo͞o dish′əl, kwā′zī΄jo͞o dish′əl, kwä′sējo͞o dish′əl, kwä′zējo͞o dish′əl] adj. having to do with powers that are to some extent judicial, as those of certain federal or state boards and commissions … English World dictionary
quasi-judicial — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷+ adjective 1. : having a partly judicial character by possession of the right to hold hearings on and conduct investigations into disputed claims and alleged infractions of rules and regulations and to make decisions arrived at and… … Useful english dictionary
quasi-judicial — adjective Date: 1836 1. having a partly judicial character by possession of the right to hold hearings on and conduct investigations into disputed claims and alleged infractions of rules and regulations and to make decisions in the general manner … New Collegiate Dictionary
quasi-judicial — The characterization of an adjudicatory function of an administrative agency. 1 Am J2d Admin L § 138. The characterization of an act partially judicial, such as the issuance of a warrant of arrest by a clerk of court. 15 Am J2d Clk Ct § 22. The… … Ballentine's law dictionary
quasi-judicial — /kway zuy jooh dish euhl, kway suy , kwah see , zee /, adj. noting, pertaining to, or exercising powers or functions that resemble those of a court or a judge: a quasi judicial agency. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
quasi-judicial — qua•si ju•di•cial [[t]ˌkweɪ zaɪ dʒuˈdɪʃ əl, ˌkweɪ saɪ , ˌkwɑ si , zi [/t]] adj. pertaining to or exercising powers or functions that resemble those of a court or a judge: a quasi judicial agency[/ex] • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
Quasi-judicial body — A quasi judicial body is an individual or organization which has powers resembling those of a court of law or judge and is able to remedy a situation or impose legal penalties on a person or organization.PowersSuch bodies usually have powers of… … Wikipedia
quasi-judicial office — A public office the incumbent of which exercises quasi judicial functions. A characterization of the office of attorney at law, he being an officer of the court. 7 Am J2d Attys § 3. See quasi judicial … Ballentine's law dictionary