estimated tax — es·ti·mat·ed tax n: a tax paid usu. quarterly by certain entities (as corporations or trusts) or individuals on income that is not subject to withholding ◇ A declaration of estimated tax is not required for federal income taxes for tax years… … Law dictionary
Estimated Tax — Periodic advance payment of taxes which are based upon the amount of income that is earned and the amount of estimated tax liability that will be incurred as a result. Estimated taxes are assessed on income that is not subject to any type of… … Investment dictionary
estimated tax — Federal and state tax laws require a quarterly payment of estimated taxes due from corporations, trusts, estates, non wage employees, and wage employees with income not subject to withholding. Individuals must remit at least 100% of their prior… … Black's law dictionary
estimated tax — Federal and state tax laws require a quarterly payment of estimated taxes due from corporations, trusts, estates, non wage employees, and wage employees with income not subject to withholding. Individuals must remit at least 100% of their prior… … Black's law dictionary
estimated tax — noun income tax paid periodically on income that is not subject to withholding taxes; based on the taxpayer s predicted tax liability • Hypernyms: ↑income tax … Useful english dictionary
Income taxes in Canada — constitute the majority of the annual revenues of the Government of Canada, and of the governments of the Provinces of Canada. In the last fiscal year, the government collected roughly three times more personal income taxes than it did corporate… … Wikipedia
Corporate tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Alternative Minimum Tax — (AMT) is part of the Federal income tax system of the United States. There is an AMT for those who owe personal income tax, and another for corporations owing corporate income tax. Only the AMT for those owing personal income tax is described… … Wikipedia
S corporation — An S corporation or S corp, for United States federal income tax purposes, is a corporation that makes a valid election to be taxed under Subchapter S of Chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code.In general, S Corporations do not pay any income… … Wikipedia
Self-employment — is the individual pursuit of capitalism. To be self employed, an individual is normally highly skilled in a trade or has a niche product or service for their local community. With the creation of the Internet the ability for an individual to… … Wikipedia