
sev·er /'se-vər/ vt sev·ered, sev·er·ing
1: to end (a joint tenancy) by ending one or all of the unities of time, title, possession, or interest (as by conveying one tenant's interest to another party)
2: to separate (as a contract) into different parts (as independent obligations) in order to treat each separately
3 a: to try (criminal offenses or defendants) separately in order to avoid prejudice
b: to split (a criminal trial) into multiple trials in order to avoid prejudice
c: to try (civil claims or issues pleaded in the same case) separately
sev·er·ance /'se-vrəns, -və-rens/ n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I verb break apart, break off, cleave, cut, cut adrift, detach, dirimere, disband, disconnect, disengage, disjoin, dismember, dispair, dispart, dissever, dissociate, dissolve, disunite, divide, dividere, divorce, fissure, isolate, keep apart, lacerate, lop off, part, partition, rend, rend asunder, rive, rupture, segment, segregate, separare, separate, set apart, slit, splinter, split, subdivide, sunder, tear, unbind, uncouple, unfasten, untie, wrench associated concepts: sever a claim, sever a party, sever an action, severable cause of action, severable contract II index break (separate), detach, dichotomize, disband, discontinue (abandon), discontinue (break continuity), disengage, disjoint, dissociate, dissolve (separate), divide (separate), divorce, estrange, excise (cut away), interrupt, isolate, luxate, part (separate), partition, rend, separate, split, subdivide

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To cut; to divide or separate; to end a relationship; to separate causes of action or defendants that have been joined together to try them instead in individual lawsuits.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • sever — SEVÉR, Ă, severi, e, adj. 1. (Despre oameni; adesea adverbial) Care judecă şi pedepseşte fară indulgenţă; exigent, pretenţios, riguros. ♦ Care nu admite abateri de la normele sau regulile stabilite, care nu admite circumstanţe atenuante; rigid.… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Sever — Sev er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Severed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Severing}.] [OF. sevrer, severer, to separate, F. sevrer to wean, fr. L. separare. See {Separate}, and cf. {Several}.] 1. To separate, as one from another; to cut off from something; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sever — sev‧er [ˈsevə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] COMMERCE to end a business relationship or connection with someone because of a disagreement: • He has severed all financial ties with his former firm. • A business dispute caused the company and its… …   Financial and business terms

  • sever — [sev′ər] vt., vi. [ME severen < OFr sevrer, severer < VL * seperare < L separare, to SEPARATE] 1. to separate; make or become distinct; divide [severed from his family by the war] 2. to part or break off, as by cutting or with force; cut …   English World dictionary

  • Sever — Sev er, v. i. 1. To suffer disjunction; to be parted, or rent asunder; to be separated; to part; to separate. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To make a separation or distinction; to distinguish. [1913 Webster] The Lord shall sever between the cattle of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sever — [v1] cut apart bisect, carve, cleave, cut, cut in two, detach, disconnect, disjoin, dissect, dissever, dissociate, disunite, divide, part, rend, rive, separate, slice, split, sunder; concepts 98,176 Ant. combine, join, unite sever [v2] dissociate …   New thesaurus

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