- short
short 1 adj1: treated or disposed of quickly in courtthe calendar for short causes2 a: not having goods or property that one has sold in anticipation of a fall in pricesa seller who was short at the time of the saleb: consisting of or relating to a sale of securities or commodities that the seller does not possess or has not contracted for at the time of the salea short salea short position◇ The purpose of a short sale is to profit from an anticipated drop in the price of a security or commodity. Typically, an investor directs a broker to borrow a quantity of stocks and to sell them at the current price. If the price drops, the investor then repurchases an equal quantity at the lower price, returns the borrowed stocks, and retains the difference in price as profit. If the price rises instead of falling, the investor may choose or be compelled to repurchase the stocks at a higher price and to accept a loss.short 2 adv: by or as if by a short salesold the stock short
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- short
(brief) adjective
abbreviated, abridged, compact, compressed, concise, condensed, crisp, cursory, curtailed, deficient, delinquent, devoid, fleet, fleeting, fugacious, hasty, laconic, meager, minimal, momentary, perfunctory, petulant, poor, quick, scarce, short-lived, shy, skimpy, sparse, succinct, temporary, terse, transient, unelevated
associated concepts: short clause, short form decision of the court, short notice
(caustic) adjective
abrupt, acetous, acrimonious, blunt, brusque, curt, discourteous, froward, grouchy, gruff, impolite, irascible, peevish, sharp, sour, sullen, surly, terse, touchy, testy, trenchant, ungraceful, volatile
(imperfect) adjective
defective, inadequate, incommensurate, incomplete, insufficient, lacking, low, meager, needing, sparse, unenduring, wanting
brief, caustic, compact (pithy), concise, cursory, deficient, delinquent (overdue), devoid, ephemeral, impecunious, imperfect, inadequate, incommensurate, insufficient, laconic, minimal, perfunctory, petulant, poor (underprivileged), scarce, succinct, transient
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- short
adj.(1) Covering a small distance or lasting a brief time; below the standard or required length.(2) Having sold borrowed shares or property in the expectation of being able to repurchase them at a lower price;see also sell short
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.