
index affiant, contributor (giver), donor, notary public, proponent, surety (guarantor), undersigned

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

The first subscribers are those who sign the Memorandum and Articles of Association (Memorandum of Association; Articles of Association) submitted to the Companies Registry to incorporate a company and agree to subscribe for shares in the company. On incorporation they become the first shareholders (or in the case of a company limited by guarantee, its first members). Otherwise subscribers are persons who apply to a company for new shares to be issued to them and pay the subscription price.

Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. — UK law terms.

A person who subscribes.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • subscriber — sub‧scrib‧er [səbˈskraɪbə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. someone who pays money regularly in order to have a newspaper or magazine sent to them, or to receive telephone, television or Internet service: • Country Music Television currently has 15… …   Financial and business terms

  • Subscriber — Sub*scrib er, n. 1. One who subscribes; one who contributes to an undertaking by subscribing. [1913 Webster] 2. One who enters his name for a paper, book, map, or the like. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subscriber — (n.) 1590s, agent noun from SUBSCRIBE (Cf. subscribe) …   Etymology dictionary

  • subscriber — n. a subscriber to (a subscriber to a magazine) * * * [səb skraɪbə] a subscriber to (a subscriber to a magazine) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • subscriber — UK [səbˈskraɪbə(r)] / US [səbˈskraɪbər] noun [countable] Word forms subscriber : singular subscriber plural subscribers 1) someone who pays money in order to receive something regularly, for example copies of a newspaper or magazine, or a service …   English dictionary

  • subscriber — /səb skraɪbə/ noun ♦ subscriber to a magazine or magazine subscriber a person who has paid in advance for a series of issues of a magazine or to have access to information on a website ● The extra issue is sent free to subscribers …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Subscriber — Der Begriff Teilnehmer in einem Kommunikationsnetzwerk bezeichnet den Nutzer der Dienste (engl. subscriber), der über Endstellen eines Nachrichtennetzes mit anderen Teilnehmern Informationen austauschen kann. Die Begriffe Teilnehmer, Endstelle,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • subscriber — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ newspaper ▪ broadband, cable (esp. AmE), digital, Internet, magazine, satellite, wireless ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • subscriber — [[t]səbskra͟ɪbə(r)[/t]] subscribers 1) N COUNT: usu pl, oft N to n A magazine s or a newspaper s subscribers are the people who pay to receive copies of it regularly. I have been a subscriber to Railway Magazine for many years. 2) N COUNT: usu pl …   English dictionary

  • subscriber — vartotojas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. consumer; subscriber; user vok. Anwender, m; Benutzer, m; Teilnehmer, m rus. пользователь, m; потребитель, m pranc. utilisateur, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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