
ex·ec·u·tor /ig-'ze-kyə-tər/ n: a person named by a testator to execute or carry out the instructions in a will compare administrator

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun administrator, administrator of a will, administrator of the decedent's estate, administratrix, custodian, delegate, fiduciary, legal representative, person in charge, person in responsibility, person named to carry out the provisions of a will, personal representative, representative of the decedent, trustee associated concepts: administor, administrix, ancillary executor, custodian, executor named in a will, executorship expenses, executrix, guardian, independent executors, probate court, surrogate's court II index director, fiduciary, procurator

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A person chosen by a testator to give away his or her property according to his or her will. FEMININE. executrix or executress

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

a person nominated in a will by the testator to ingather the estate, pay all debts enforceable against the deceased and, after payment of any inheritance tax due and of the costs of the administration, to distribute the estate according to the terms of the will.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

The person named in a will to handle the property of someone who has died. The executor collects the property, pays debts and taxes, and then distributes what's left, as specified in the will, The executor also handles any probate court proceedings and notifies people and organizations of the death. Also called personal representative. Compare: administrator
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Estates, Executors & Probate Court
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Wills

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

England, Wales
An individual who administers a deceased person's estate in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, having been appointed in the will. A woman who is an executor is sometimes called an executrix.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

n. An individual named in a will who will be responsible for seeing that its bequests and other provisions are performed.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A personal representative, named in a will, who administers an estate.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the person appointed to administer the estate of a person who has died leaving a will which nominates that person. Unless there is a valid objection, the judge will appoint the person named in the will to be executor. The executor must insure that the person's desires expressed in the will are carried out. Practical responsibilities include gathering up and protecting the assets of the estate, obtaining information in regard to all beneficiaries named in the will and any other potential heirs, collecting and arranging for payment of debts of the estate, approving or disapproving creditor's claims, making sure estate taxes are calculated, forms filed and tax payments made, and in all ways assisting the attorney for the estate (which the executor can select).
   See also: deceased, decedent, executrix, probate, will

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • executor — executor( trix) /agzekatar/ A person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in his will, and to dispose of the property according to his testamentary provisions after his decease. In re Silverman s Estate, 6 Ill.App.3d… …   Black's law dictionary

  • executor — executor( trix) /agzekatar/ A person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in his will, and to dispose of the property according to his testamentary provisions after his decease. In re Silverman s Estate, 6 Ill.App.3d… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Executor — Ex*ec u*tor, n. [L. executor, exsecutor: cf. F. ex[ e]cuteur. Cf. {Executer}.] 1. One who executes or performs; a doer; as, an executor of baseness. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. An executioner. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Delivering o er to executors paw?… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • executor — |z...ô| adj. s. m. 1. Que ou aquele que executa. • s. m. 2. Carrasco. (Também se diz executor de alta justiça.) …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • executor — [ek′si kyo͞ot΄ər; ] for 2 [ eg zek′yo͞o tər, igzek′yə tər; eg zek′yətər, ig zek′yətər] n. [ME executour < OFr & ML executor, both < L executus, exsecutus, pp. of exequi, exsequi, to follow up, pursue < ex , intens. + sequi, to follow:… …   English World dictionary

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  • executor — late 13c., from Anglo Fr. executour, from L. executorem/exsecutorem, agent noun from exsequi/exsequi (see EXECUTION (Cf. execution)). Fem. form executrix is attested from late 14c …   Etymology dictionary

  • executor — meaning an official appointed to carry out the terms of a will, is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable. It should be distinguished from executioner, an official who carries out a sentence of death …   Modern English usage

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