- exemption
ex·emp·tion /ig-'zemp-shən/ n1: the act of exempting or state of being exempt2: one that exempts or is exempted: asa: an amount of income exempted from taxation that may be deducted from adjusted gross income under the tax laws see also internal revenue code in the important laws section compare deduction, exclusion, tax creditde·pen·den·cy exemption /də-'pen-dən-sē-/: an exemption that is allowed for each dependent who qualifies under the tax laws (as sections 151 and 152 of the Internal Revenue Code)◇ Under the federal income tax laws, the dependency exemption is allowed for each dependent whose gross income is less than the exemption or who is a child of the taxpayer and is under 19 or a student under 24.per·son·al exemption: an exemption that is allowed for the taxpayer or for the taxpayer and spouse if filing a joint returnb: the right created by federal and state laws to exempt specified types of property from a bankruptcy estateprecludes the debtor from using the exemption s in the Bankruptcy Code; also: a type of property that may be claimed as exempt see also bankruptcy code in the important laws section
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- exemption
allowance, discharge, disengagement, exception, freedom, freedom from duty, freedom from liability, freedom from obligation, freedom from requirements, freedom from service, immunitas, immunity, liberation, liberty, license, permit, privilege, release, release from liability, release from obligation, special privilege, vacatio, vacuitas
associated concepts: exemption from jury service, exemption from sale, exemption statute, homestead exemption, personal exemption, tax exemption
clause, clemency, condonation, discharge (liberation), discharge (release from obligation), dispensation (exception), exception (exclusion), exclusion, excuse, franchise (license), freedom, grace period, immunity, impunity, leave (permission), privilege, probation, qualification (condition), release, remission, reservation (condition), respite (reprieve), salvo
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- exemption
n.(1) Freedom from a normal obligation.(2) In taxation, a deduction given to a taxpayer for him- or herself and for dependents.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- exemption
1) In tax law, an amount taxpayers are allowed to deduct from their taxable income based on a circumstance or their status. Each year, taxpayers get an exemption for themselves, each dependent, blindness or other disability, and for being over age 65.2) In debt and bankruptcy, protection for certain types and amounts of assets from being taken by creditors or by the trustee in bankruptcy court to pay off debts. (See: homestead exemption)Category: Personal Finance & Retirement → Money & Taxes for RetireesCategory: Personal Finance & Retirement → Taxes
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- exemption
n. The state of not being subject to a responsibility held by others; in taxes, an amount subtracted from gross income to determine taxable income.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- exemption
n.1) in income taxation, a credit given for each dependent, blindness or other disability, and age over 65, which result in a downward calculation in tax levels. These are not to be confused with deductions, which reduce gross income upon which taxes are paid.2) a right to be excluded from, such as not being subject to attachment of one's wages if one is in a low-income bracket, or not being subject to the military draft if one is employed in essential industry, has several children or is a college student.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.