
ve·to 1 /'vē-tō/ n pl ve·toes [Latin, I forbid, refuse assent to]
1: an authoritative prohibition
2 a: a power vested in a chief executive to prevent permanently or temporarily the enactment of measures passed by a legislature
b: the exercise of such authority see also pocket veto compare legislative veto
veto 2 vt ve·toed, ve·to·ing: to refuse to admit or approve; specif: to refuse assent to (a legislative bill) so as to prevent enactment or cause reconsideration see also override

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun ban, bar, denial, disallowance, embargo, forbiddance, inhibition, injunction, intercessio, interdict, interdiction, interference, negative, prevention, prohibition, proscription, refusal of approval, refusal to sanction, rejection, restraint, restriction, taboo II index ban, countermand, debar, decline (reject), disapproval, disapprove (reject), disavow, exclude, forbid, forestall, inhibit, interdict, negate, nonconformity, prevent, prohibit, prohibition, protest, refusal, refuse, reject, rejection, renunciation, repudiation, restraint, restrict, stem (check)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A right of veto means that the holder can stop a company taking action if he refuses to allow it. It is commonly expressed as a series of matters, which the company can only proceed with, if it has obtained his consent.

Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. — UK law terms.

The act of rejecting a law or decision that has been passed by a legislature, usually done by a president or governor who must sign it in order for it to become valid.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1 n. The power of one branch of government to prohibit a certain action by another; for example, the chief executive's right to refuse to sign a legislature-passed bill into law.
2 v. The act of refusing or canceling the act of another or the passage of a law.
@ pocket veto
As to a chief executive of a governmental body, such as the President of the United States, the failure to approve a proposed legislative act, thereby resulting in the proposed law not being passed, and therefore "vetoed."
Under the United States Constitution, if the president does not sign a congressionally passed bill within ten days after receiving it, the bill becomes law, even without his or her signature. However, if the president neither signs nor vetoes the bill and Congress adjourns within that ten-day period, the legislation will become law only if the president signs it. Therefore, by not signing it, the bill is effectively killed.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

The refusal of an executive officer to assent to a bill that has been created and approved by the legislature, thereby depriving the bill of any legally binding effect.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The refusal of an executive officer to assent to a bill that has been created and approved by the legislature, thereby depriving the bill of any legally binding effect.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Veto — Ve to, n.; pl. {Vetoes}. [L. veto I forbid.] [1913 Webster] 1. An authoritative prohibition or negative; a forbidding; an interdiction. [1913 Webster] This contemptuous veto of her husband s on any intimacy with her family. G. Eliot. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • veto — vȇto m DEFINICIJA pol. pravn. pravo člana nekog udruženja, pojedinca ili države da spriječi donošenje zaključka ili izvršenje odluke većine [apsolutni veto; suspenzivni veto] ETIMOLOGIJA lat. veto: zabranjujem ← vetare: zabraniti, ne dopustiti …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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