
with·draw vb -drew, -drawn, -draw·ing
1: to remove (money) from a place of deposit or investment
2: to dismiss (a juror) from a jury
3 a: to eliminate from consideration or set outside a category or group
withdraw his candidacy
b: to cease to proceed with
withdrew the question after an objection was sustained
c: to take back
withdraw a plea
d: to remove (a motion) from consideration under parliamentary procedure
1: to remove oneself from participation
withdraw from a case; specif: to cease participation in a conspiracy by an affirmative act of renunciation esp. involving confession to the authorities or communication of abandonment to co-conspirators
2: to remove a motion from consideration under parliamentary procedure

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I verb abandon, abdicate, abjure, abolish, abscond, absent oneself, abstract, back out, backtrack, cease, deduct, depart, desert, disappear, disassociate, disavow, disengage, disestablish, dissociate, draw out, evacuate, extract, invalidate, keep apart, leave, nullify, overrule, pull back, quash, quit, recall, recant, recede, relinquish, remove, renege, repeal, rescind, resign, retire, retract, retreat, reverse, revoke, secede, separate, sequester, sequestrate, subduce, subduct, subtract, surrender, takeaway, take back, unsheathe, vacate, wean II index abolish, abscond, adeem, annul, cancel, cease, debar, deduct (reduce), demit, depart, diminish, disavow, discontinue (abandon), disengage, disinherit, disinter, dissociate, ebb, evacuate, excise (cut away), extract, flee, forfeit, hold up (rob), invalidate, leave (depart), part (leave), quash, quit (discontinue), quit (evacuate), recall (call back), recant, recess, refrain, refuse, relinquish, remove (eliminate), renege, repeal, repudiate, rescind, resign, retire (retreat), retreat, revoke, secede, seclude, sequester (seclude), superannuate, vacate (leave)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To retreat; to remove or take away; to take money out of an account.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • Withdraw — With*draw , v. i. To retire; to retreat; to quit a company or place; to go away; as, he withdrew from the company. When the sea withdrew. King Horn. [1913 Webster] Syn: To recede; retrograde; go back. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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