
fac·tor n [Medieval Latin, doer, maker, agent, from Latin, maker, from facere to do, make]
1: one who acts or transacts business for another: as
a: a commercial agent who buys or sells goods for others on commission
b: one that lends money to producers and dealers (as on the security of accounts receivable)
2: a person or thing that actively contributes to the production of a result
a difference in salary based on a factor other than sex

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (commission merchant) noun agent, broker, commercial agent, delegate, deputy, envoy, interagent, intermediary, manager, medium, middleman, one who sells for factorage, proctor, procurator, representative associated concepts: consignee, factors' lien II (ingredient) noun additive, agent, aid, aspect, cause, component, constituent, constitutive element, content, contributing force, determinant, element, elementary unit, feature, integral part, part, portion, segment, unit III index aspect, broker, cause (reason), component, constituent (part), dealer, deputy, determinant, element, feature (characteristic), ingredient, member (constituent part), part (portion), plenipotentiary, procurator, represent (substitute), substitute

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Something that influences an outcome.
(2) An agent who buys and sells goods for a commission called a factorage.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1. a mercantile agent. An agent who is in the ordinary course of business entrusted with goods or documents of title representing goods with a view to their sale. A factor has a lien over goods entrusted to him; this lien covers any claims he may have against his principal arising out of the agency. Most factors will be mercantile agents (and have the powers of such) for the purposes of the Factors Act 1889. Under this Act, in certain circumstances a factor may pass a good title to goods entrusted to him.
2. an institution to whom a company assigns its book debts (See factoring).

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

A person who buys or sells in his or her own name on behalf of others, taking a commission for services. Also, a person or company that buys or sells accounts receivable at a discount or as security for short-term loans.
Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. One who buys accounts receivable for an amount less than their face value and collects the full amount, pocketing the difference as his or her commission; one who sells goods received on consignment.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

An event, circumstance, influence, or element that plays a part in bringing about a result.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

An event, circumstance, influence, or element that plays a part in bringing about a result.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) a salesman who sells in his/her own name on behalf of others, taking a commission for services.
   2) something that contributes to the result.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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