
A licence is an agreement which allows the licensee to do an act which would otherwise be the exclusive right of the licensor. Licensing-out is commonly engaged in by companies without the resources fully to commercialise their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Larger companies may conversely licence-in assisting others in developing their products incorporating the IPR through their financial resources, experience, market presence etc. A licence may be exclusive (only the licensee can exploit the IPR) sole (where both the licensor and the licensee can use the IPR) or non-exclusive (where the licensor can appoint other licensees). The licence may or may not include the right for the licensee to grant sub-licences to others within the territory.

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  • Licensing — См. Лицензирование Термины атомной энергетики. Концерн Росэнергоатом, 2010 …   Термины атомной энергетики

  • licensing — Arrangement in which a local firm in the host country produces goods in accordance with another firm s (the licensing firm s>) specifications; as the goods are sold, the local firm can retain part of the earnings. Bloomberg Financial… …   Financial and business terms

  • Licensing — Licence (juridique) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Licence. Une licence, dans le droit français, est soit en droit administratif une Autorisation, soit en droit commercial, un contrat de licence.[1] Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Licensing —    A legally binding agreement between two parties, a designer (licensor) and a manufacturer (licensee), a license loans the name of the designer for the purpose of using that name on the label to manufacture and sell merchandise. The designer… …   Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

  • licensing — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun Licensing is used before these nouns: ↑agreement, ↑deal, ↑exam, ↑fee, ↑hour {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adj. Licensing is used with these nouns: ↑magistrate …   Collocations dictionary

  • licensing — / laɪs(ə)nsɪŋ/ adjective referring to licences ● a licensing agreement ● licensing laws …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • licensing — / laɪs(ə)nsɪŋ/ adjective referring to licences ● a licensing agreement ● licensing laws …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • licensing — The sale of a license permitting the use of patents, trademarks, or other technology to another firm. See also cross licensing; license Licensing involves the many procedures administrative agencies perform in conjunction with issuance of various …   Black's law dictionary

  • licensing — The sale of a license permitting the use of patents, trademarks, or other technology to another firm. See also cross licensing; license Licensing involves the many procedures administrative agencies perform in conjunction with issuance of various …   Black's law dictionary

  • Licensing — License Li cense (l[imac] sens), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Licensed} (l[imac] senst); p. pr. & vb. n. {Licensing}.] To permit or authorize by license; to give license to; as, to license a man to preach. Milton. Shak. Syn: licence, certify. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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