adversary system

adversary system
n. A method of adjudication in which active and unhindered parties, usually through their lawyers, contest with each other and present support in favor of their respective positions, usually through the examination and cross-examination of witnesses and the presentation of other evidence, to a neutral and independent decision-maker. In criminal cases, this is often called the accusatorial system.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

adversary system
The scheme of American jurisprudence wherein a judge or jury renders a decision in a controversy between or among parties who assert contradictory positions during a judicial examination such as a trial, hearing, or other adjudication.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

adversary system
The scheme of American jurisprudence wherein a judge or jury renders a decision in a controversy between or among parties who assert contradictory positions during a judicial examination such as a trial, hearing, or other adjudication.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • adversary system — The jurisprudential network of laws, rules and procedures characterized by opposing parties who contend against each other for a result favorable to themselves. In such system, the judge acts as an independent magistrate rather than prosecutor;… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • adversary — ad·ver·sary 1 / ad vər ˌser ē/ n: one that contends with or opposes another; esp: any of the opposing parties in a legal action adversary 2 adj: of, relating to, or involving opposing parties or interests; specif: of, relating to, or involving a… …   Law dictionary

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  • Adversary proceeding in bankruptcy (USA) — An Adversary proceeding in bankruptcy, is a lawsuit in the American legal system filed by a party called a plaintiff against a party called a defendant . ProcedureAdversary proceedings are governed by certain court rules found in Part VII of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Adversarial system — The adversarial system (or adversary system) of law is the system of law, generally adopted in common law countries, that relies on the skill of each advocate representing his or her party s positions and involves an impartial person, usually a… …   Wikipedia

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