appealable decision

appealable decision
=>> order.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • Appealable — Ap*peal a*ble, a. 1. Capable of being appealed against; that may be removed to a higher tribunal for decision; as, the cause is appealable. [1913 Webster] 2. That may be accused or called to answer by appeal; as, a criminal is appealable for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • final decision — For the purpose of appellate review: a decision which disposes of the whole case, adjudicates all rights including questions of liability and compensation, ends litigation on the merits, and leaves nothing for the court to do but execute the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • final decision or judgment — One which leaves nothing open to further dispute and which sets at rest cause of action between parties. One which settles rights of parties respecting the subject matter of the suit and which concludes them until it is reversed or set aside. In… …   Black's law dictionary

  • final decision or judgment — One which leaves nothing open to further dispute and which sets at rest cause of action between parties. One which settles rights of parties respecting the subject matter of the suit and which concludes them until it is reversed or set aside. In… …   Black's law dictionary

  • final appealable order or judgment — One that disposes of all issues and all parties in the case and leaves nothing for further determination. Schaumburg/Glunt, Inc. v. Parmley, Mo.App., 701 S.W.2d 201, 202. See also final decision or judgment …   Black's law dictionary

  • final appealable order or judgment — One that disposes of all issues and all parties in the case and leaves nothing for further determination. Schaumburg/Glunt, Inc. v. Parmley, Mo.App., 701 S.W.2d 201, 202. See also final decision or judgment …   Black's law dictionary

  • jurisdiction — ju·ris·dic·tion /ˌju̇r əs dik shən/ n [Latin jurisdictio, from juris, genitive of jus law + dictio act of saying, from dicere to say] 1: the power, right, or authority to interpret, apply, and declare the law (as by rendering a decision) to be… …   Law dictionary

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  • appeal — ap·peal 1 /ə pēl/ n [Old French apel, from apeler to call, accuse, appeal, from Latin appellare]: a proceeding in which a case is brought before a higher court for review of a lower court s judgment for the purpose of convincing the higher court… …   Law dictionary

  • Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital v. Mercury Constr. Corp. — Cone Mem. Hosp. v. Mercury Constr. Corp. Supreme Court of the United States Argued November 2, 1982 D …   Wikipedia

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