
I (allotment) noun allocation, allowance, apportionment, budget, budgeting, concession, designation of use, dispensation, distribution, setting apart associated concepts: appropriation bill, appropriation for public use, appropriation of money, budgetary appropriation II (donation) noun benefaction, bestowal, contribution, disbursement, endowment, funding, gift, grant, guerdon, meed, sponsorship III (taking) noun accroachment, acquisition, adoption, annexation, apprehension, assumption, capture, confiscation, conversion, dispossession, disseisin, divestment, expropriation, impoundment, impropriation, seizure, snatching, taking possession associated concepts: appropriation from revenues, appropriation of land, appropriation of payment IV index acquisition, adverse possession, allotment, arrogation, assignment (allotment), assumption (seizure), budget, condemnation (seizure), consignment, conversion (misappropriation), distraint, distress (seizure), distribution (apportionment), embezzlement, endowment, garnishment, housebreaking, larceny, pillage, plagiarism, preemption, quota, ration, selection (choice), sequestration, taking

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

1 The taking of control or possession of property, especially the government's taking of private property for a public purpose.
2 The act by a legislative body to designate or set aside public funds for a government expenditure.
3 In tort law, the taking of the name or likeness of one person by another for a commercial purpose. It is considered an invasion of privacy.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

The designation by the government or an individual of the use to which a fund of money is to be applied. The selection and setting apart of privately owned land by the government for public use, such as a military reservation or public building. The diversion of water flowing on public domain from its natural course by means of a canal or ditch for a private beneficial use of the appropriator.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The designation by the government or an individual of the use to which a fund of money is to be applied. The selection and setting apart of privately owned land by the government for public use, such as a military reservation or public building. The diversion of water flowing on public domain from its natural course by means of a canal or ditch for a private beneficial use of the appropriator.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Appropriation — • In theology, appropriation is used in speaking of the different Persons of the Trinity Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Appropriation     Appropriation      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • appropriation — ap‧pro‧pri‧a‧tion [əˌprəʊpriˈeɪʆn ǁ əˌproʊ ] noun [countable, uncountable] 1. the official use of money for a particular purpose, or an amount of money that is used: • They each receive a state appropriation of $50,000 to cover education costs.… …   Financial and business terms

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  • Appropriation — Ap*pro pri*a tion, n. [L. appropriatio: cf. F. appropriation.] 1. The act of setting apart or assigning to a particular use or person, or of taking to one s self, in exclusion of all others; application to a special use or purpose, as of a piece… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • appropriation — APPROPRIATION. s. f. Action de s approprier une chose. L appropriation d une Terre.Appropriation, en termes de Chimie, est l état où sont mis deux corps quine peuvent s unir ensemble que par le concours d un troisième corps, qui dispose les deux… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • appropriation — [n1] allocation, setting aside allotment, allowance, apportionment, assignment, budgeting, concession, donation, earmarking, endowing, funding, giving, grant, provision, setting apart, sponsoring, stipend, stipulation, subsidy; concepts 135,340… …   New thesaurus

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  • Appropriation — (lat.), Aneignung, auch Anmaßung einer Sache …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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