battered child syndrome

battered child syndrome
bat·tered child syn·drome /-'sin-ˌdrōm, -drəm/ n: the combination of grave physical injuries (as broken bones and bruises) that results from gross child abuse
◇ Evidence of battered child syndrome is often used to establish that a child's death was not accidental.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

battered child syndrome

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • battered-child syndrome — See battered person syndrome. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 …   Law dictionary

  • Battered child syndrome — A disease in which children are physically abused. The battered child syndrome is a form of child abuse. Not until the 19th century were children granted the same legal status as domesticated animals in regard to protection against cruelty and/or …   Medical dictionary

  • battered child syndrome — A medicolegal term which describes diagnosis of medical expert based on scientific studies that when child suffers certain types of continuing injuries that injuries were not caused by accidental means. Upon such finding, it is logical to presume …   Black's law dictionary

  • battered child syndrome — A medicolegal term which describes diagnosis of medical expert based on scientific studies that when child suffers certain types of continuing injuries that injuries were not caused by accidental means. Upon such finding, it is logical to presume …   Black's law dictionary

  • battered child syndrome — noun Date: 1962 the complex of physical injuries sustained by a grossly abused child …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • battered child syndrome — bat′tered child′ syn drome n. med the array of physical injuries exhibited by young children who have been beaten repeatedly or otherwise abused by their parents or guardians • Etymology: 1960–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • battered child syndrome — noun : the complex of grave physical injuries (as fractures, hematomas, and contusions) that results from gross abuse (as by a parent) of a young child …   Useful english dictionary

  • battered-person syndrome — n. The medical and psychological condition of a person who has suffered (usually persistent) emotional, physical, or sexual abuse from another person. Also called battered child syndrome or battered woman syndrome depending on the circumstances.… …   Law dictionary

  • battered person syndrome — n. The medical and psychological condition of a person who has suffered (usually persistent) emotional, physical, or sexual abuse from another person. Also called battered child syndrome or battered woman syndrome depending on the circumstances.… …   Law dictionary

  • battered child syndrome — the array of physical injuries exhibited by young children who have been beaten repeatedly or otherwise abused by their parents or guardians. [1960 65] * * * …   Universalium

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