- bounty
boun·ty /'bau̇n-tē/ n pl boun·ties1: generosity in bestowing gifts esp. by will2: a reward, premium, or subsidy esp. offered by a government
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- bounty
award, benefaction, benevolence, bonanza, bonus, boon, cadeau, conferment, emolument, favor, gift, grant, gratification, gratuity, guerdon, handsel, honorarium, largess, largitas, liberalitas, perquisite, pourboire, premium, prize, reward, reward for service, tip, token, tribute
associated concepts: bounty lands
bonus, consideration (recompense), contribution (donation), donation, endowment, favor (act of kindness), grant, largess (generosity), largess (gift), philanthropy, premium (excess value), prize, reward, subsidy
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- bounty
n.1 A benefit, premium, or reward offered or given, especially by a government, to cause a person to take some specific action.2 A gift or favor generously bestowed.3 Liberality in giving.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.