course of performance

course of performance
course of performance: the conduct of parties during a business deal requiring repeated performances that creates an understanding between the parties as to performance and that may be used to help interpret their agreement in instances of dispute compare course of dealing, practical construction, usage of trade

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

course of performance
n. The pattern of completing a recurring obligation under a contract when all parties are aware of the nature of the obligation and have had the opportunity in the past to object to how it is done. If a dispute later arises regarding the performance of that obligation and there was no previous objection, the courts will look to the course of performance to determine how the parties intended the obligation to be completed.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

course of performance
Evidence of the conduct of parties concerning the execution of obligations under a contract requiring more than one performance that is used for the purpose of interpreting the contract's provisions.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

course of performance
Evidence of the conduct of parties concerning the execution of obligations under a contract requiring more than one performance that is used for the purpose of interpreting the contract's provisions.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • course of performance — The understandings of performance which develop by conduct without objection between two parties during the performance of an executory contract …   Black's law dictionary

  • course of performance — The understandings of performance which develop by conduct without objection between two parties during the performance of an executory contract …   Black's law dictionary

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  • performance — [ pɛrfɔrmɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1839; mot angl. , de l a. fr. parformance (XVIe), de parformer « accomplir, exécuter » 1 ♦ Résultat chiffré obtenu dans une compétition (par un cheval, un athlète). Les performances d un champion. Performance homologuée.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Course de la paix — La Course de la Paix est une épreuve cycliste à étapes, créée en 1948. Organisée par les quotidiens des partis communistes polonais Tribuna Ludu et tchécoslovaque Rudé Právo, la course se dispute jusqu en 1951 entre Varsovie et Prague (et vice… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • performance — per·for·mance n 1: work done in employment unsatisfactory performance 2 a: what is required to be performed in fulfillment of a contract, promise, or obligation substituted a new performance in novation of the contract b: the fulfillment of a… …   Law dictionary

  • course of employment — n. The normal duties and activities associated with a job; the activities that an employee performs as his or her customary services to the employer. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… …   Law dictionary

  • course — [ kurs ] n. f. • 1553; corse 1213; forme fém. de cours, d apr. it. corsa I ♦ 1 ♦ Action de courir; mode de locomotion dans lequel les phases d appui unilatéral sont séparées par un intervalle. ⇒ courir. Une course rapide. ⇒ galopade. Au pas de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Performance studies — has been growing as an academic specialty since the 1970s. Indeed, it has produced a wide variety of perspectives and it is now integrated into a number of social scientific disciplines (for example sociology, anthropology, linguistics),… …   Wikipedia

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