
dis·par·age·ment /di-'spar-ij-mənt/ n
1: the publication of false and injurious statements that are derogatory of another's property, business, or product – called also business disparagement, commercial disparagement, disparagement of property, slander of goods, trade libel;

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun accusation, act of berating, act of running down, admonishment, adverse criticism, aspersion, bad review, belittlement, belittling, blame, brand, castigation, complaint, condemnation, confutation, contempt, criticism, damnation, decrial, denigration, denigrement, denouncement, denunciation, deprecation, depreciation, derogation, destructive criticism, detraction, disapprobation, disapproval, discontent, discourtesy, disesteem, disfavor, dishonor, disillusionment, dislike, displeasure, disrepute, disrespect, disrespectfulness, exception, faultfinding, hostile criticism, hypercriticism, impeachment, impugnation, imputation, indignation, insinuation, invective, irreverence, low estimation, low opinion, low valuation, mockery, muckraking, nonapproval, objection, objuration, obloquy, obtrectatio, outcry, overcnticalness, poor opinion, protest, rebuke, rejection, reprehension, reprimand, reproach, reprobation, reproof, revilement, ridicule, rude reproach, rudeness, scant respect, scolding, scorn, slighting language, stigma, tirade, uncomplimentary remark, vilification, vilipendency, vituperation, want of respect associated concepts: disparagement of goods, disparagement of property, disparagement of title II index aspersion, bad repute, blame (culpability), condemnation (blame), contempt (disdain), criticism, defamation, denunciation, diatribe, disapprobation, disapproval, discredit, disgrace, dishonor (shame), disrepute, disrespect, exception (objection), ignominy, libel, notoriety, obloquy, phillipic, profanity, reproach, revilement, ridicule, slander

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

n. An untrue statement that harms the reputation of someone else's business or product.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

In old English law, an injury resulting from the comparison of a person or thing with an individual or thing of inferior quality; to discredit oneself by marriage below one's class.
A statement made by one person that casts aspersions on another person's goods, property, or intangible things.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

In old English law, an injury resulting from the comparison of a person or thing with an individual or thing of inferior quality; to discredit oneself by marriage below one's class.
A statement made by one person that casts aspersions on another person's goods, property, or intangible things.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Disparagement — Disparagement, in United States trademark law, is a statutory cause of action that permits a party to petition the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to cancel a trademark registration that may… …   Wikipedia

  • Disparagement — Dis*par age*ment, n. [Cf. OF. desparagement.] 1. Matching any one in marriage under his or her degree; injurious union with something of inferior excellence; a lowering in rank or estimation. [Eng.] [1913 Webster] And thought that match a foul… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disparagement — late 15c., from O.Fr. desparagement, from desparagier (see DISPARAGE (Cf. disparage)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • disparagement — [n] strong criticism; detraction aspersion, backbiting*, backstabbing*, belittlement, blame, calumny, censure, condemnation, contempt, contumely, debasement, degradation, denunciation, depreciation, derision, derogation, discredit, disdain,… …   New thesaurus

  • disparagement — [di spar′ijmənt] n. 1. a disparaging or being disparaged; detraction 2. anything that discredits …   English World dictionary

  • disparagement — /daspasrajmant/ In old English law, an injury by union or comparison with some person or thing of inferior rank or excellence. To discredit by marriage below one s class. Marriage without disparagement was marriage to one of suitable rank and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • disparagement — /daspasrajmant/ In old English law, an injury by union or comparison with some person or thing of inferior rank or excellence. To discredit by marriage below one s class. Marriage without disparagement was marriage to one of suitable rank and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • disparagement — [[t]dɪ̱spæ̱rɪʤmənt[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft N of n Disparagement is the act of speaking about someone or something in a way which shows that you do not have a good opinion of them. [FORMAL] Reviewers have been almost unanimous in their disparagement… …   English dictionary

  • disparagement — noun The act of disparaging, of belittling. His disparagement of his opponent failed to dissuade voters. See Also: disparage …   Wiktionary

  • disparagement — disparage ► VERB ▪ regard or represent as being of little worth; scorn. DERIVATIVES disparagement noun disparaging adjective. ORIGIN Old French desparagier marry someone of unequal rank , from Latin par equal …   English terms dictionary

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