
I noun amusement, antic, caper, carousal, drollery, entertainment, escapade, fun, gaiety, gambol, jocoseness, jollity, joviality, lark, merriment, merrymaking, mirth, play, pleasantry, recreation, rollick, romp, vagary associated concepts: detour and frolic II verb act up, amuse oneself, caper, carouse, cavort, dance, disport, enjoy oneself, frisk, gambol, have a good time, have fun, joke, paint the town red, play, revel, rollick, romp, sport III index carouse

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

n. In tort law: of an employee, that he or she, during business hours, deviated from the scope of employment to the extent that the employer will not be held responsible for harm resulting from the employee's actions. The term typically refers to circumstances in which the employee pursued a personal interest during the hours of employment.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Activities performed by an employee during working hours that are not considered to be in the course of his or her employment, since they are for the employee's personal purposes only.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Activities performed by an employee during working hours that are not considered to be in the course of his or her employment, since they are for the employee's personal purposes only.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Frolic — may refer to: * Frolic (law), a concept in tort law * Frolic (Anneli Dreker album), a 2005 solo album by Anneli Drecker of Bel Canto * HMS Frolic , one of several ships of the British Royal Navy * USS Frolic , one of several ships of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Frolic — Frol ic (fr[o^]l [i^]k), a. [D. vroolijk; akin to G. fr[ o]lich, fr. froh, OHG. fr[=o], Dan. fro, OS. fr[=a]h, cf. Icel. fr[=a]r swift; all perh. akin to Skr. pru to spring up.] Full of levity; dancing, playing, or frisking about; full of pranks; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Frolic — Frol ic, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Frolicked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Frolicking}.] To play wild pranks; to play tricks of levity, mirth, and gayety; to indulge in frolicsome play; to sport. [1913 Webster] Hither, come hither, and frolic and play. Tennyson …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Frolic — Frol ic, n. 1. A wild prank; a flight of levity, or of gayety and mirth. [1913 Webster] He would be at his frolic once again. Roscommon. [1913 Webster] 2. A scene of gayety and mirth, as in lively play, or in dancing; a merrymaking. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Frolic — bezeichnet eine Tierfuttermarke der Mars Incorporated ein Album der Sängerin Anneli Drecker als HMS Frolic mehrere Schiffe der britischen Royal Navy Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unters …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • frolic — n. m. (Acadie) Grande fête collective. Le frolic acadien de Moncton …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • frolic — vb *play, sport, disport, rollick, romp, gambol frolic n play, sport, disport, rollick, romp, gambol (see under PLAY vb) Analogous words: *fun, jest, game, play, sport: caper, *prank, antic, monkeyshine, dido: levity, tightness, frivolity …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • frolic — [n] amusement, revel antic, drollery, escapade, fun, fun and games*, gaiety, gambol, game, high jinks*, joke, joviality, lark, merriment, monkeyshines*, play, prank, romp, shenanigan*, skylarking*, sport, spree, tomfoolery*, trick; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • frolic — 1530s, as an adj., joyous, merry, from M.Du. vrolyc (adj.) happy, from vro merry, glad, + lyc like. Cognate of Ger. fröhlich happy. The stem is cognate with O.N. frar swift, M.E. frow hasty, from PIE *preu (see FROG …   Etymology dictionary

  • frolic — verb has inflected forms frolicked, frolicking …   Modern English usage

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