- punishment
pun·ish·ment n1: the act of punishing2: a penalty (as a fine or imprisonment) inflicted on an offender through the judicial and esp. criminal process see also cruel and unusual punishment
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- punishment
amercement, avengement, castigatio, castigation, censure, chastening, chastisement, compulsory payment, correction, damages, deprivation, disciplinary action, discipline, forfeiture, infliction, mulct, nemesis, penal retribution, penalization, penalty, penalty imposed on an offender, penance, poena, punition, reprimand, retribution, retributive justice, talion, vengeance
associated concepts: capital punishment, corporal punishment, cruel and inhuman punishment, excessive punishment
foreign phrases:
- Nulla curia quae recordum non habet potest imponere finem neque aliquem mandare careeri; quia ista spectant tantummodo ad curias de recordo. — No court which has not a record can impose a fine nor commit any person to prison; because those powers belong only to courts of record.- Poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat. — If punishment is inflicted on a few, a fear comes to all- Nemo prudens puntt ut praeterlta revocentur, sed ut futura praeveniantur. — No wise man punishes in order that past things may be revoked, but that future wrongs may be prevented- Ubl damna dantur, victus victori in expensis condemnari debet — Where damages are given, the losing party ought to be condemned to pay costs to the victor.- Interest relpubllcae ne maleficia remaneant impunita. — It concerns the state that crimes do not go unpunished- Tutius semper est errare acquietando, quam in punlendo, ex parte misericordiae quam ex parte justitiae. — It is always safer to err in acquitting than in punishing, on the side of mercy rather than on the side of justice- In omnibus poenalis judiciis, et aetati et Imprudentiae succurritur. — In all penal judgments, allowance is made for youth and lack of prudence.- Qui peccat ebrius luat sobrius. — He who offends when drunk shall be punished when sober.- Mellor est justitia vere praeveniens quam severe punlens. — Truly preventative justice is better than severe punishment- fust it la est duplex, viz., severe punlens et vere praeveniens. — justice is double, that is to say punishing severely, and truly preventing.- Qui parch nocentibus innocentes punk. — He who spares those who are guilty punishes those who are innocent- Reus laesae majestatis punltur ut pereat unus ne pereant omnes. — A traitor is punished that one may die lest all perish- Poena non potest, culpa perennis erlt. — Punishment cannot be everlasting but error or sin will be- Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvkur. — The judge is condemned when a guilty person is acquitted- Lubricum linguae non facile trahendum est in poenam. — A slip of the tongue ought not readily be subjected to punishment- In atrocloribus delictis punkur affectus licet non sequatur effect us. — In the more atrocious crimes the intent is punished, although an effect does not follow- judex non potest injuriam sibi datam punire. — A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself- Nemo bis punkur pro eodem delicto. — No one can be punished twice for the same offense.- Transgresslone multipllcata, crescat poenae inflictfo. — Upon the multiplication of transgression, let the infliction of punishment be increased.- Poena suos tenere debet actores et non alios. — Punishment belongs to the guilty, and not others.- Nemo cogkationis poenam patkur. — No one suffers punishment on account of his thoughts.- Receditur a plackls furis, potius quam injuriae et dellcta maneant impuntta. — In order that crimes not go unpunished, the law will be departed fromII index condemnation (punishment), conviction (rinding of guilt), cost (penalty), expiation, forfeiture (act of forfeiting), forfeiture (thing forfeited), infliction, penalty, reprisal, retribution, revenge, sentence, vengeance
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- punishment
n. Sanctions such as fine, confinement, or loss of rights to property administered to a person convicted of a crime.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- punishment
The imposition of hardship in response to misconduct.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- punishment
The imposition of hardship in response to misconduct.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.