unfair labor practice

unfair labor practice
unfair labor practice n: any of various acts by an employer or labor organization that violate a right or protection under applicable labor laws
◇ The unfair labor practices that are specified in the National Labor Relations Act are the following: 1) the interference, restraint, or coercion of employees in the exercise of their rights by an employer; 2) domination of a labor organization by an employer; 3) encouragement or discouragement of union membership by discrimination in hiring or conditions of employment by an employer; 4) discrimination against an employee for filing charges of or testifying regarding an unfair labor practice by an employer; 5) refusal of an employer to bargain with the collective bargaining agent; 6) restraint or coercion of employers or employees by a labor organization; 7) coercion of an employer by a labor organization to discriminate against an employee; 8) refusal of a labor organization to bargain collectively with an employer; 9) engaging in illegal strikes or boycotts by a labor organization; 10) excessive or discriminatory initiation fees for a labor organization; 11) coercion of an employer by a labor organization to pay for work not done; 12) picketing by a labor organization to force an employer to recognize or employees to select another collective bargaining agent when there has already been an election.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

unfair labor practice
n. An act of an employer against an employee that has been prohibited under the National Labor Relations Act, particularly those relating to an employee's efforts to form or join a union, or the refusal of an employer to collectively bargain with a group of employees or their representatives.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

unfair labor practice
Conduct prohibited by federal law regulating relations between employers, employees, and labor organizations.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

unfair labor practice
Conduct prohibited by federal law regulating relations between employers, employees, and labor organizations.
II Actions by the employer which interfere with, restrain, coerce, or threaten employees with respect to their rights.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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