
index cessation (interlude), halt, interruption, lull, pause, peace, treaty

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A suspending or cessation of hostilities between belligerent nations or forces for a considerable time. An armistice differs from a mere "suspension of arms" in that the latter is concluded for very brief periods and for local military purposes only, whereas an armistice not only covers a longer period, but is agreed upon for political purposes. It is said to be general if it relates to the whole area of the war, and partial if it relates to only a portion of that area. Partial armistices are sometimes called truces but there is no hard and fast distinction.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A suspending or cessation of hostilities between belligerent nations or forces for a considerable time. An armistice differs from a mere "suspension of arms" in that the latter is concluded for very brief periods and for local military purposes only, whereas an armistice not only covers a longer period, but is agreed upon for political purposes. It is said to be general if it relates to the whole area of the war, and partial if it relates to only a portion of that area. Partial armistices are sometimes called truces but there is no hard and fast distinction.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • armistice — [ armistis ] n. m. • 1680; n. f. XVIIIe; lat. médiév. armisticium, de arma « armes » et sistere « arrêter », sur le modèle de interstitium « intervalle de temps » ♦ Convention conclue entre les belligérants afin de suspendre les hostilités. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • armistice — ARMISTICE. subs. m. Suspension d armes. Un long armistice. Convenir d un armistice. Rompre l armistice. Armistice de quelques jours. L armistice ne fut pas de durée, ne tarda pas à cesser, à expirer …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • armistice — (n.) 1707, from Fr. armistice (1680s), coined on the model of L. solstitium (see SOLSTICE (Cf. solstice)), etc., from L. arma arms (see ARM (Cf. arm) (n.2)) + stitium (used only in compounds), from sistere cause to stand (see …   Etymology dictionary

  • Armistice — Ar mis*tice, n. [F. armistice, fr. (an assumed word) L. armistitium; arma arms + stare, statum (combining form, stitum), to stand still.] A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • armistice — [n] peace establishing agreement ceasefire, suspension, treaty, truce; concepts 230,684 Ant. dispute, fight, war …   New thesaurus

  • armistice — ► NOUN ▪ a truce. ORIGIN French, from Latin arma armour, arms + stitium stoppage …   English terms dictionary

  • armistice — [är′mə stis] n. [Fr < L arma, arms (see ARM2) + stitium (as in solstitium, SOLSTICE) < sistere, to cause to stand, redupl. < stare, STAND] a temporary stopping of warfare by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to the signing of a… …   English World dictionary

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