dewey decimal system

dewey decimal system
A numerical classification system of books employed by libraries.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

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  • Dewey Decimal system — proposed 1876 by Melvil Dewey (1851 1931) while acting librarian of Amherst College. He also crusaded for simplified spelling and the metric system …   Etymology dictionary

  • Dewey Decimal System —    One classification system used by libraries was devised by Melvil Dewey (1851 1931), the father of American library science. The number on the spine of a library book identifies its position on a shelf through a system known as the Dewey… …   Dictionary of eponyms

  • Dewey decimal system — Dew|ey dec|i|mal sys|tem, the also the Dewey Decimal Classification a system used by libraries for putting books into groups according to their subject. General subjects (for example, sports) are given a number, and then particular parts of this… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Dewey decimal system — noun a system used by libraries to classify nonfictional publications into subject categories; the subject is indicated by a three digit numeral and further specification is given by numerals following a decimal point; publications are shelved by …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dewey decimal system — noun see Dewey decimal classification …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Dewey decimal system — n. system of library classification of books according to their subjects (using 3 digit numbers and decimals) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Decimal system — may refer to: The decimal (base ten) number system, used in mathematics for writing numbers and performing arithmetic. The Dewey Decimal System, a subject classification system used in libraries. The decimal currency system, where each unit of… …   Wikipedia

  • Dewey Decimal Classification — For the similar sounding base 12 numeral system, see Duodecimal. Dewey Decimal Classification, (also called the Dewey Decimal System) is a proprietary system of library classification developed by Melvil Dewey in 1876.[1] It has been greatly… …   Wikipedia

  • Dewey decimal classification — Trademark. a system of classifying books and other works into ten main classes of knowledge with further subdivision in these classes by use of the numbers of a decimal system: devised by Melvil Dewey, published in 1876, and used in many… …   Universalium

  • Dewey decimal classification — noun a system used by libraries to classify nonfictional publications into subject categories; the subject is indicated by a three digit numeral and further specification is given by numerals following a decimal point; publications are shelved by …   Useful english dictionary

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