
ge·ner·ic /-'ner-ik/ adj
1: common or descriptive and not entitled to trademark protection: nonproprietary
the generic name of a drug
2: having a nonproprietary name
generic drugs

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective applicable to a class, blanket, broad, collective, common, comprehensive, general, indeterminate, inexact, nonexclusive, nonspecific, not particular, not special, sweeping, universal, unspecified, wide associated concepts: generic name, trade name, trademark II index broad, omnibus, unspecified

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

General, not specific; covering a whole class of things.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

In trademark law, the status of a word or symbol commonly used to describe an entire type of product or service rather than to distinguish one product or service from another. An example is "raisin bran," used by several manufacturers of breakfast cereals to describe their products. Generic terms can never receive trademark protection because they don't serve the basic function of trademarks to distinguish goods and services in the marketplace. (See also: genericide)
Category: Patent, Copyright & TrademarkTrademark Law

Nolos Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

adj. In trademark law, a term or phrase that is merely descriptive and cannot be trademarked; with pharmaceuticals or other products, a non-trade-marked equivalent offered in competition against a brand-name product.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • Generic — means pertaining or appropriate to large classes or groups as opposed to specific members of the group. It may refer to:* Generic mood, a grammatical mood used to make generalized statements like Snow is white * Generic antecedents, referents in… …   Wikipedia

  • Generic — Ge*ner ic, Generical Ge*ner ic*al, a. [L. genus, generis, race, kind: cf. F. g[ e]n[ e]rique. See {Gender}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Biol.) Pertaining to a genus or kind; relating to a genus, as distinct from a species, or from another genus; as, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • generic — GENÉRIC, Ă, generici, ce, adj. Care aparţine unei categorii întregi, privitor la o categorie întreagă (de fiinţe, obiecte, fenomene); care cuprinde toate cazurile de acelaşi fel. ♦ (Substantivat, n.) Partea de la începutul sau de la sfârşitul… …   Dicționar Român

  • generic — or generic term [jə ner′ik] adj. [ML genericus: see GENUS & IC] 1. of, applied to, or referring to a whole kind, class, or group; inclusive or general 2. without a brand name 3. without individual character or distinctive characteristics 4 …   English World dictionary

  • generic — 1670s, belonging to a large group of objects, formed in English from L. gener , stem of genus kind (see GENUS (Cf. genus)) + IC (Cf. ic). Sense of not special, not brand name; in plain, cheap packaging, of groceries, etc., is from 1977 …   Etymology dictionary

  • generic — general, *universal, common Analogous words: typical, *regular, normal: specific (see SPECIAL) Contrasted words: individual, peculiar, distinctive, Characteristic: particular, individual, *special …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • generic — [adj] common, general all encompassing, blanket, collective, comprehensive, inclusive, nonexclusive, sweeping, universal, wide; concept 530 Ant. exclusive, individual, particular, specific …   New thesaurus

  • generic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) referring to a class or group; not specific. 2) (of goods) having no brand name. 3) Biology relating to a genus. DERIVATIVES generically adverb. ORIGIN from Latin genus stock, race …   English terms dictionary

  • Generic — Refers to the characteristics and/or experience of the total universe of a coupon of MBS sector type; that is, in contrast to a specific pool or collateral group, as in a specific CMO issue. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * generic… …   Financial and business terms

  • generic — Describes the characteristics and/or experience of the total universe of a coupon of MBS sector type; that is, in contrast to a specific pool or collateral group, as in a specific CMO issue. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * generic …   Financial and business terms

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