- judicare
To decide or determine in a judicial manner.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- judicare
To decide or determine in a judicial manner.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
judicare — /jooh di kair /, n. (often cap.) a federally funded program providing free or low cost legal services to the poor. [1965 70; JUDI(CIAL) + CARE, on the model of MEDICARE] * * * … Universalium
Judicare — n. (in the USA) federally funded program which provides low cost or free legal services to the needy … English contemporary dictionary
judicare — /juwdakeriy/ In the civil and old English law, to judge; to decide or determine judicially; to give judgment or sentence … Black's law dictionary
judicare — /juwdakeriy/ In the civil and old English law, to judge; to decide or determine judicially; to give judgment or sentence … Black's law dictionary
judicare — To judge; to decide; to determine … Ballentine's law dictionary
judicare — /jooh di kair /, n. (often cap.) a federally funded program providing free or low cost legal services to the poor. [1965 70; JUDI(CIAL) + CARE, on the model of MEDICARE] … Useful english dictionary
cessa regnare, si non vis judicare — /sesa ragneriy say non vis juwdakeriy/ Cease to reign, if you wish not to adjudicate … Black's law dictionary
incivile est, nisi tota lege perspecta, una aliqua particula ejus proposita, judicare, vel respondere — /insivaliy est, naysay towts liyjiy psrspekts, yuwna aelakws partikysla iyjas prapozsta, juwdakeriy, vel raspondiriy/ It is improper, without looking at the whole of a law, to give judgment or advice, upon a view of any one clause of it … Black's law dictionary
incivile est, nisi tota sententia inspecta, de aliqua parte judicare — /hjsivaliy est, naysay towta santensh(iy)a inspekta, diy aelakwa partly juwdakeriy/ It is irregular, or legally improper, to pass an opinion upon any part of a sentence, without examining the whole … Black's law dictionary
Injustum est, nisi tota lege inspects, de una aliqua ejus particula proposita judicare vel respondere — /injastam est, naysay towta liyjiy inspekta, diy yiiwna abbkwa iyjas partik(y)ab prapozata juwdakeriy vel respondiriy/ It is unjust to decide or respond as to any particular part of a law without examining the whole of the law … Black's law dictionary