
Equals; those who are an individual's equals in rank and station.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Equals; those who are an individual's equals in rank and station.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Peers —   [ pɪəz; englisch, eigentlich »Gleichrangige«, vergleiche Pairs], Singular Peer [ pɪə] der, s, in weibliche Form Peeress [ pɪərɪs] die, , in Großbritannien die Mitglieder des Hochadels (Adel), der Nobility, im Unterschied zum niederen Adel ( …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Peers — is a surname, and may refer to:* Donald Peers * Edgar Allison Peers, an English academician * Gavin Peers * Kerry Peers * Michael Peers * William R. Peers, an American General who investigated the My Lai Massacreee also* peer * Pears * Piers …   Wikipedia

  • Peers — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Donald Peers (1908–1973), walisischer Sänger Sally Peers (* 1991), australische Tennisspielerin William R. Peers (1914–1984), General der United States Army Siehe auch: Peer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PEERS — Educating And Encouraging Responsible Sexuality (Community » Educational) ** Prostitutes Empowerment Education and Resource Society (Community » Non Profit Organizations) * Prevention Education Empowerment Recovery And Support (Community) *… …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • Peers — Peers, Edgard Allison …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Peers — Porté dans le Nord Pas de Calais et en Belgique, c est la forme génitive de Peer, Peere (= Pierre en néerlandais) …   Noms de famille

  • peers — /pirz/ In feudal law, the vassals of a lord who sat in his court as judges of their co vassals, and were called peers, as being each other s equals, or of the same condition. The nobility of Great Britain, being the lords temporal having seats in …   Black's law dictionary

  • Peers — noun a) a section of the British Houses of Parliament, the House of Lords, the House of Peers. b) variant of Piers …   Wiktionary

  • Peers — This is an English surname created from the popular and old established personal name Peter , which in medieval England was more usually found as Piers . Peter derives from the Greek Petros , meaning rock , and was the name given by Jesus to… …   Surnames reference

  • Peers de Nieuwburgh — Famille originaire d Adeghem, ancienne commune du franconat de Bruges, XVIIIe siècle. La légende raconte que c est en novembre 1688, lors de l exil de Jacques II d Angleterre, qu un Peers de Raverside arriva dans les environs de Bruges où il… …   Wikipédia en Français

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