
I noun appointment, area, assigned task, assignment, business, canton, capacity, charge, circuit, colony, compass, county, demesne, department, district, division, domain, dominion, duty, field, function, job, jurisdiction, occupation, office, orbit, part, precinct, provincia, realm, region, scope, section, specialty, sphere, subdivision, territory, tract II index ambit, bailiwick, capacity (sphere), circuit, coverage (scope), department, district, division (administrative unit), domain (sphere of influence), jurisdiction, locality, part (role), pursuit (occupation), purview, realm, region, role, section (vicinity), sphere, territory

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

The district into which a country has been divided; as, the province of Ontario in Canada.
More loosely, a sphere of activity or a profession such as medicine or law.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The district into which a country has been divided; as, the province of Ontario in Canada.
More loosely, a sphere of activity or a profession such as medicine or law.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • province — [ prɔvɛ̃s ] n. f. • 1170 « province ecclésiastique, métropole »; lat. provincia, de vincere « vaincre » 1 ♦ (1213) Hist. rom. Territoire conquis hors de l Italie, assujetti aux lois romaines et administré par un gouverneur appelé proconsul ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • province — PROVINCE. s. f. Estenduë considerable de pays qui fait partie d un grand Estat, & dans laquelle sont comprises plusieurs villes, bourgs, villages, &c. sous un mesme gouvernement. Les Provinces du Royaume. cet Estat est divisé en plusieurs… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • province — Province, tout pays loing hors d Italie, que les Romains avoyent vaincu à force d armes, ausquels ils envoyoyent apres des gouverneurs de leur ville, Prouincia. La quatriesme partie d une province, dont les quatre font le tout, Tetrarchia… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Province — (Цесис,Латвия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Niniera iela 6, Цесис, LV 4100, Латвия Опис …   Каталог отелей

  • Province — Prov ince, n. [F., fr. L. provincia; prob. fr. pro before, for + the root of vincere to conquer. See {Victor}.] 1. (Roman Hist.) A country or region, more or less remote from the city of Rome, brought under the Roman government; a conquered… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • province — ► NOUN 1) a principal administrative division of a country or empire. 2) (the provinces) the whole of a country outside the capital, especially when regarded as lacking in sophistication or culture. 3) (one s province) an area in which one has… …   English terms dictionary

  • province — [präv′ins] n. [OFr < L provincia, province < ? IE * prowo (< base * pro ) > Gr prōira, PROW1, OE frea, lord] 1. any of the outside territories controlled and ruled by ancient Rome 2. an administrative division of a country; specif.,… …   English World dictionary

  • province — early 14c., from O.Fr. province (13c.), from L. provincia territory under Roman domination, usually explained as pro before + vincere to conquer (see VICTOR (Cf. victor)); but this does not suit the earliest Latin usages …   Etymology dictionary

  • province — 1 *field, domain, sphere, territory, bailiwick Analogous words: *limit, confine, bound, end 2 *function, office, duty Analogous words: *work, calling, pursuit, business: *task, duty, job …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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