restatement of law

restatement of law
A series of volumes regarded as an authoritative work of legal scholarship prepared by the authors, scholars, and members of the judiciary who comprise the American Law Institute (ALI), which presents a survey of a general area of the law and the changes that have occurred therein.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

restatement of law
A series of volumes regarded as an authoritative work of legal scholarship prepared by the authors, scholars, and members of the judiciary who comprise the American Law Institute (ALI), which presents a survey of a general area of the law and the changes that have occurred therein.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Restatement of Law — A series of volumes authored by the American Law Institute that tell what the law in a general area is, how it is changing, and what direction the authors (who are leading legal scholars in each field covered) think this change should take; for… …   Black's law dictionary

  • restatement — Re·state·ment /ˌrē stāt mənt/ n: any of several volumes produced by the American Law Institute and authored by legal scholars and experts that set forth statements of major areas of law (as contracts, torts, trusts, and property) and are widely… …   Law dictionary

  • Restatement of the Law — A series of legal treatises that set out basic U.S. law on a variety of subjects, written and updated by legal scholars and published by the American Law Institutes. While not having the force of statutes or court rulings, the Restatements (as… …   Law dictionary

  • Restatement (Second) of Contracts — The Restatement (Second) of the Law of Contracts is one of the most well recognized and frequently cited legal treatisesAcceptable citation format under the Bluebook: Restatement (Second) of Contracts § (1981). The Bluebook: A Uniform System of… …   Wikipedia

  • Restatement — may refer to:*Restatement of History of Islam, 1996 book written by Sayed Ali Asgher Razwy, history of Islam is retold from the Shi a perspective *Restatement of the Law, published by the American Law Institute as scholarly refinements of black… …   Wikipedia

  • Law of Israel — combines common law and civil law.ources of Israeli lawIsraeli law draws on the following sources: *The Mecelle (מג לה) Ottoman casuistic Muslim law (matrimonial and Real Estate Registration) *British common law *Israeli codification (torts and… …   Wikipedia

  • Law of the United States — The law of the United States was originally largely derived from the common law system of English law, which was in force at the time of the Revolutionary War. [Lawrence M. Friedman, A History of American Law , 3rd ed. (New York: Touchstone,… …   Wikipedia

  • Restatement of the law — Als restatements of the law werden im Recht der Vereinigten Staaten die vom American Law Institute herausgegeben Abhandlungen bezeichnet, die das case law der einzelnen Bundesstaaten systematisch darstellen. Sie haben nicht den Rang einer echten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Law of Japan — Contents 1 Historical Developments 2 Sources of law 3 Precedent 4 Civil law 4.1 Contracts …   Wikipedia

  • law, philosophy of — Introduction       the formulation of concepts and theories to aid in understanding the nature of law, the sources of its authority, and its role in society. In English speaking countries the term “jurisprudence” is often used synonymously and is …   Universalium

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