tenancy in coparcenary

tenancy in coparcenary
A type of concurrent estate in real property by which property rights were acquired only through intestacy by the female heirs when there were no surviving male heirs.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

tenancy in coparcenary
A type of concurrent estate in real property by which property rights were acquired only through intestacy by the female heirs when there were no surviving male heirs.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • tenancy — A tenancy involves an interest in realty which passes to the tenant, and a possession exclusive even of that of landlord, except as lease permits landlord s entry, and saving his right to enter to demand rent or to make repairs. Layton v. A. I.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Coparcenary — is the concept whereby two or more people inherit a title equally between them as a result of which none can inherit until all but one have renounced their right to the inheritance. This could arise when a title passes through and vests in female …   Wikipedia

  • coparcenary — /kowparsiynariy/ Such estate arises where several take by descent from same ancestor as one heir, all coparceners constituting but one heir and having but one estate and being connected by unity of interest and of title. Winters Nat. Bank & Trust …   Black's law dictionary

  • coparcenary — /kowparsiynariy/ Such estate arises where several take by descent from same ancestor as one heir, all coparceners constituting but one heir and having but one estate and being connected by unity of interest and of title. Winters Nat. Bank & Trust …   Black's law dictionary

  • coparcenary — An estate arising in any case where the ownership is in heirs who take from the same ancestor, such heirs being regarded as one heir joined together by unity of interest, unity of title, and unity of possession. The estate is of little importance …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • pro indiviso — (|)prōˌində̇ˈvī(ˌ)zō adverb Etymology: Latin : for or as undivided : in common : in joint tenancy or coparcenary * * * pro indiviso /in di vīˈsō, zō or in dē wēˈsō, vēˈ/ 1. As undivided 2. Applied to rights which two or more persons hold in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • History of English land law — Material here has been extracted from the 1911 Britannica encyclopedia. The history of English land law derives from a mixture of Roman, Norman and modern legislative sources.OutlineSuch terms as fee or homage carry us back into feudal times.… …   Wikipedia

  • Estate in severalty — Severalty Sev er*al*ty, n. A state of separation from the rest, or from all others; a holding by individual right. [1913 Webster] Forests which had never been owned in severalty. Bancroft. [1913 Webster] {Estate in severalty} (Law), an estate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Severalty — Sev er*al*ty, n. A state of separation from the rest, or from all others; a holding by individual right. [1913 Webster] Forests which had never been owned in severalty. Bancroft. [1913 Webster] {Estate in severalty} (Law), an estate which the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • partaking — n sharing or sharing in, participating, participation, communion; association, partnership, copartnership; joint ownership, coparcenary, joint heirship, coheirship; joint tenancy, joint occupancy …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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