- wrongful birth
wrongful birth n: a malpractice claim brought by the parents of a child born with a birth defect against a physician or health-care provider whose alleged negligence (as in prenatal testing or diagnosis) effectively deprived the parents of the opportunity to make an informed decision whether to avoid or terminate the pregnancy; also: the birth or injury at issue in such a claimrecognize a cause of action for wrongful birth◇ Two factors behind the general recognition of the wrongful birth claim are scientific advances in prenatal diagnosis of birth defects and the legalization of abortion. Wrongful birth and wrongful life are distinct from malpractice claims alleging actual physical injury to a fetus caused by a negligently performed procedure.
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- wrongful birth
A medical malpractice claim brought by the parents of a child born with birth defects, alleging that negligent treatment or advice deprived them of the opportunity to avoid conception or terminate the pregnancy.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- wrongful birth
A medical malpractice claim brought by the parents of a child born with birth defects, alleging that negligent treatment or advice deprived them of the opportunity to avoid conception or terminate the pregnancy.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.